At 2003-08-27 on 12:24 a.m.

lots of new beginnings~

wes started college on monday and it went well, a lot of his friends are going there that he didnt think were,he seems to like his teachers-so far-one of them he said seems like he is about to die-he's old and told them he didnt feel good that day and he talked like ben stine!!! he has tuesdays off-monday and weds are his busiest days!!

i got a call tonight from my lil sis-she's not my sister for real but she's like it-crystal~her and tom GOT MARRIEDDDDDD~YAHHHHHHHHHH :*)****

no wonder i havent heard from you-i thought it was your new job-they got married in vegas on the 20th and just got back,thats where they got engaged,they are going to have another wedding that everybody can come to at another time or just have one heck of a party!!! im soooo happy for her and her boys!!!

we watched the movie "phonebooth" tonight and it was real good-thats the movie they were shooting in NYC when we went to see reba-you can see the theater in it and at the beginning of the movie they had some break dancers in it that the boys were watching!!! stewart heard rebas new song on the radio today and said it sounded real country-i said it was suppose to-the albume is suppose to be old reba style and thats a good thing to me!!! i yelled at this ass for not calling me and telling me it was playing!!! since i never really listen to the radio i probably wont ever hear it until the cd comes out!!!

well i need to jet i got to get up at 6:30am-blahhhhh

ta ta for now

back forth


