At 2005-08-09 on 3:58 p.m.

THE HEADACHE IS GONE!!! for now!!! ;)
im surprised its gone cause i didnt fall asleep until 6am this morning and i woke Doug up at 9am so he could go buy his game and then when he got home it was crazzzzzy loud-im suprise the neighbors didnt call the police thinking something was wrong with all of the screaming going on in this house-the boys had their freinds over playing madden 2006 until around 1pm-thank god they are gone now!!! :) over to some other poor moms house!!! :)~

I was orry to hear today that Christopher Reeves wife has lung cancer-that was aweful especially after all she has gone thru with chris,there was just something on the news the other night about the increase of woman under 51 who have gotten lung cancer and they have been non smokers-that scares me cause once when i was 16 and had to go to the hospital they sent my mom out of the room to ask me how much i smoke and i said i didnt-and they asked are you just scared to tell us cause you dont want your mom to know-and i said no i really dont smoke-i had spots on my lungs-forward ahead years later in my late 20's i went to mayo clinic and they asked the samething-how long have you smoked and i said the samething-i dont/havent etc....they never did get tot he problem of it and never wrote anything in my charts about it when i asked my dr. she said she didnt see anything in my charts about it-so no telling what all ive got brewing in my lungs!!!
Im sooooo glad the shuttle landed safe and sound-sorry it couldnt land back in florida though but better safe then sorry!!!
we might be going to baseball game tonight but as soon as i write that it starts raining!!! :)
well i need to jet-toda has flown by so fast!!! ohhhh daulton loved high school which suprised me-i thought it would be too fast paced for him...last year he had to be at the bus stop at 9:30 this year its 6:30 lol big difference!!!
And im so sorry about Peter Jennings-he was always my favorite-loved him and loved his voice and he wasnt bad looking either-damn cigarettes!!!

back forth


