At 2005-11-10 on 11:17 p.m.

Its a Rat Race around town tonight-we should know better not to ever make plans for anything-they always get thrown out for some reason or another but we make the best of it and have a
few laughs along the way....

We were going to pick up Bailey and Daulton and take them to the fair with us tonight but Bailey had gymnastics until 7:30 so we picked Daulton up and headed towards the fair grounds-it was not last week at all when me and the hubby went by ourselves-last Thursday there was hardly anybody there-tonight-different story-bumper to bumper traffic,the police sent us to one parking lot and the police at that parking lot said we needed to go back to another parking lot etc....meanwhile about an hour has gone by sitting in traffic-finally we said the heck with it-lets just go get something to eat....i guess the fair was busy cause there is no school/work tomorrow and Josh Gracin is playing plus some other event was going on at the Stadium-i was sooooo looking forward to some great fair food,my candy apple the other night was fantastic!!! lol :)~****

Before we left the house i suggested that we take Dougs mustange tonight over the suv cause we had to pick Daulton up at my parents and they havent seen his hotrod yet(which they liked it)-that was a big mistake-that car is fine if your driving or in the front passenger seat but in the back its horriable-i was sitting in the back like i was in stir-ups about to give birth-lol-and Daulton had long legs and was all scrunched up and doug has long legs and was up front but had his seat moved up for Daulton and hubby was driving and everytime he got out of the car(it sits much lower then the suv-duh)he would curse in pain gosh this car is smashing my nutsssss-lmao-Wes was smart to stay home!! We went to a place called Sneakers out at the beach-its a sports bar-and when we were leaving a poor homeless man came up to us in the dark and scared the heck out us-i think we scared him more cause he was like "dont beat me up i was just wondering if you could spare me some money" all i heard was hubby telling us to get in the car...i felt sorry for him but husband said in the paper today they had a story of the homeless at the beach begging for money and then buying crack instead...

then we stopped by dunkin donuts for some donuts to take home and then we got stuck in major traffic cause they are repaving the highway and ive got to take a major pee-ughhhhhh-then Doug and Daulton want to go to the video store and we get there and its already closed-they were pissed-oppps dont say that word-my bladder was about to bust at that time....we make it home and i have to set out recyleables and i ran inside and both bathrooms were already taken over-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it hurts so baddddd when you've gotta go-finally i did my thing-yesssssss-and then wes goes out side to look for a cd in his car and he catches someone TPing our home and he chased after them-lol-he thinks it was Kym and friends-they put kotex pads on Dougs car-lol-the car we just got out of maybe 15 mintues before-now they have ever light off in the house waiting for thier return and im typing in the dark and the big wusses are watching a scary movie....oh my life is nuts and its a long weekend ahead of us-but i love it.....
goshhh this turned out to be too long!!!
I wanted to give my woman Yvonne/forty-plus a major shout out and props for the fantastic pep talk-your fabulous!! ((((hugs))))
later taters

back forth


