At 2005-12-26 on 10:36 p.m.

Everybody got along this holiday and was in good mood even though must of us still have a bad cold and i feel pms coming on :)~

Friday husband had off and we did last second shopping at the outlet mall and then went to super wally world for the millionth time-i must admit-its funny as hell watching others panic and get all evil when the hours are ticking away for Christmas shopping-the road rage really passes time too when your sitting in traffic...

Saturday we didnt even venture out until it was time to go to my parents house...We watched our Jax.Jaguars make it to the playoffs this year-yeahhhh-we got to my moms and she was one of those panic faced peeps who still had tons to do-me and my niece Bailey helped my mom wrap a ton of gifts and get the food ready while the men sat on their arses....
We opened our gifts and we all did pretty darn good this year especially Bailey and Daulton-those kids made out like a bandit...and that was just from our(my brother) side of the family...
Bailey wasnt feeling good either... :(

Sunday we slept late-for it being Christmas-we then opened up gifts and pigged out then slept all day and then went and had dinner at our favorite china buffet place(our new family tradition that we started last year)!!!

Today we only had like 2 returns so that wasnt bad...It was harder trying to find a parking space then doing returns...I did buy me a Christmas tree for next year that was 50% off so hopefully i wont have to worry about one next year...

Our house looks like a bomb went off in it and we've been picking up all night so its a lil cleaner-i have sooo much to get together this week to donate to goodwill before the year is over so we can get our tax breaks-it helps us so much each year since we cant claim the boys anymore....hubby has this Friday off and all of the following week so we might try and go to gatlinburg for a few days....

back forth


