lovvvve this show!!!
At 2006-09-29 on 10:55 p.m.

I love watching Datelines To Catch A Predator.All I can say is there are some sick wacko's in this world and i cant imagine all the ones that really get away with stuff like that...

Hubby and I had a wonderful dinner tonight-we had Lobster and Steak and I had a Watermelon Margarita and instead of salt rim it was red sugar :)~*
The lid on the lil shaker glass they serve it in popped off and I had to go chase it across the floor in the restaurant with everybody looking at me-i was like yep im over here popping the tops!! ;)

Hubby went to look for a new suit tonight cause he has a job interview tomorrow-yes on a Saturday-and it pays about $25,000 less then what he's making now which isnt a good thing since we have one income but he's going just to see what its like and if anything he would take it until something that payed more comes about-he's really over qualified for the job position but its better then no income coming in...He ended up not buying a new suit cause they would have to be taylored and on short notice it would be cutting it close to his appointment time in the morning-so he'll just do with what he has for now!!

Not sure what we'll be doing the rest of the weekend-we always find something to do-im soooo ready for all the fall festivals to start happening-i love them and our big fair isnt until Nov. which i love :)

Have I mentioned lately that I hate my body????!!!! well i do-BIG TIME!!! :(
have a nice weekend folks...

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