B/DAYS ETC......
At 2006-11-16 on 10:50 p.m.

Yesterday(11-15) was my 42nd b/day grrrrr,today is my niece Bailey's(11-16) 12th b/day and tomorrow is Bailey's bestfriend Ambers 12th b/day and my brothers b/day is on the 27th-we usually celebrate them all on Thanksgiving although hubby bought me some beautiful flowers and a huge cake last night....

I've been super duper busy these past few days and will be so again tomorrow-I feel like Morgan Freeman in "DRIVIN MISS DAISY" driving Wes around town since Tuesday morning trying to get him health aid and to see a dr. and finally he is getting a mri tomorrow morning on his leg that looks horriable-i'll bi-pass all the headaches we have gone thru this week trying to get all the right papers together for his aid-we live about a hour away from the health department and each time we've gone they tell us we need something else-bullshit stuff-but i kept my cool for the most part...
The big problem has been that we have a Jacksonville address even though we dont live in Jacksonville-our city has a lil post office so our mail comes from the J-ville branch post office if you punch in our zip code it will tell you we dont live in J-ville etc...they wanted to see something with our countys address-EVERYTHING we have is from Jacksonville...Jacksonville health department knew right away we didnt live there when they put in our zip code and told us they couldnt see him-how hard can this be peeps?! FINALLY-HOPEFULLY-its over with and he can be taken care of....

I have to rush him to have his mri tomorrow and then get back cause I have a drs. appt. at 12:45pm with my primary care to go over my blood work and she has no idea what all i have to tell her about how im doing-again last night i was puking and shaking to death and i fell asleep on the bathroom floor and woke up at 4am-i cant say this enough-this shit is old and something has to be done. i am scared to think it can get worse!!

I told my mom the other day that Doug said they are going to have to come to our house for Thanksgiving this year since they have a ton of kittens and cats this year and he is highly allergic to them and she said OK plus now with Wes's leg injury it would be better for him to stay home also-wellllll I talked to her again today and she said my dad bitched up a storm about that and went on a screaming binge saying he always has Thanksgiving at his house and nobody at my house likes him anyway-lmao-what a friggin child he is-hubby said tonight-good let him have it at his house we'll just stay at ours and have our own-we've got too much on our minds to play his game...Hubby hates his new job-its so unorganized-he hasnt even been able to get into his computer all week and nobody knows how to figure it out for him and things are runned shitty and he likes things to run smooth and in order or at least have a plan and nobody knows what their doing and on top of that his new job is far away and he gets home super late now-we miss his old job :(

One lil Vegas story before I go-we stayed at the MGM hotel and it was nice-I almost won me a Viper-it was so wrong what it did to me-you have to land on 3 cars to win, first rolls on the first "win car" then the second "win car" then the third "win car" is half and half between the lines-i was like ohhhhh hell noooo-thats just wrong-i was going to drive that pretty red viper home :) oh welll.....and ohhhh i dont know how you people out west deal with the dry air-our noses were so dried out and bloody the whole trip-and our lips too-we're wussys

back forth


