he's still hanging in there
At 2008-03-11 on 3:08 p.m.

Ben is still hanging in there but they have really up his meds-its almost like okkk you need to go so lets push those meds into you so you dont wake up but that is the process i guess?!

He has tons of visitors and it gets so loud in there and having his teenaged kids and their friends in there makes it quit interesting-last night i brought him a hallie barry picture and put it next to his pillow cause the other night he was asleep and we were talking about "fantasy lovers" and her name came up and he woke right up and smiled real big and stuck his tongue out-it was so funny-so when i showed it to him last night he just smiled real big..poor guy still keeps asking my husband to take him fishing out on the boat...Wes wont go up there-he doesnt like things like that but if we go tonight Doug said he might go..

this is something that i dont get-at this hospice-not sure if they are all the same-almost everyone signs a DNR waiver-well this young lady last night in the room next to Ben family wouldnt sign one-shes in her 30's and its always her husband and their 14 year old daughter there(so sad)Bens kids go out and tlk to her in the hallway...but last night that lady went into full cardic arrest an at hospice that will not revive you-they have to call a EMT to pick them up and take them to the hospital and hope they get there in time-what i dont understand is why wouldnt a family sign the DNR sheet when the person is in hospice-that pretty much means your dying if your in there right?! maybe they still have hope and they have a young daughter but to me it just seems harder to see your loved one in full cardic arrest and the hospice people by law cant revive them an then you demand a EMT to take them to the hospital to try and save them...Im not wishing death on anybody but the whole hospice thing is to make someone comfortable in their last moments...

gotta call from my cousin crystal the other day and she is having a hard time with my aunt-her mom being gone-she called me late last night but we were at hospice still and then my mom is having issues with her blood pressure being high and she doesnt feel well and has an appt. today and we're trying to plan something to do for dougs 21st b/day on the 23d and our anniversary is monday the 17th and there ust isnt enough time in the day to do anything-my house is a mess-my laundry is backed up and i need grocerys bad and dont want to go get them at all.. such is life-cowgirl up!!

p.s.i hate the new diaryland thingy were you have to type the words in when you leave a comment-i cant read the suckers at all with the lines going thru the words-something else to piss me off!!! grrrr

thanks so much for everyones well wishes-hugs many times over

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