At 2003-09-12 on 12:33 p.m.

we could be getting hit by a huge hurrican sometime next week if it doesnt start to turn,its a catagory 5,the largest they come,we have been so lucky in the past-the last one to take a direct hit on j-ville was the year i was born so i eyes will be set to the weather channel a lot this weekend!!

My computer stinks so bad-i tried to get on all last night and it was having no part of that and then i got the deadly blue screen and i just said the heck with it!!!

About 9/11~for some reason it hit me harder this year looking back at it then the first anniversary-now you know for real what has happened and it really wasnt a dream. i was taking doug to school this morning/yesterday and the radio stations were having people on there live talking about being trapped in the towers and hearing their fear just made me lose it and then seeing the children read off their love ones names was just way too much-we too-like chana and jordan had been to NYC in march of 2001 and it was freezing that day so i sat in the van when they got out to look around and i remember looking out the window at how tall those building were and all-and then i remember that chana sent me a post card from nyc that had the towers on it during the summer of 2001 which i still have-we went last year to ground zero and it was unbelievable-words cant even describe it,your sad,your totally pissed off,you want to do something to help,you wanted to hug every policeman/fireman you say-I LOVE NYC!!!

last night we watched what all the president went thru those days and it was sad-you might not like him-i do-but to see what he had to go thru as the new president was just so sad and to see him cry gosh it was just too much to handle!!

well it is friday night which means highschool football night-go bears-they lost their first game last friday night by 1 point and it was the game of the week and was televised on local tv!!!

we're going over to my parents house on saturday and doug and i are going to the jags game on sunday!!

the new season of reba starts tonight so will have to set the vcr since i wont be home and it was very sad news to see that johnny cash and john ritter died-more of a shock of john ritter-his new show was funny and i loved him in 3's company and in the movie sling blade!! we'll i need to jet and go wash my hair and get ready for the game!!!

ta ta for now


back forth


