At 2005-04-14 on 12:51 a.m.

I went to my DR. today and got my test results from my MRI that I had done last week on my neck/spine and its not good news.....They are referring me to a Neurosurgen to see what he thinks should happen~meaningggg surgery on my spin!!!! PLEASEEEE SAY IT AINT SO!!! I have a ruptured disc in my #5 and #6th disc in my neck and in between disc 6 and 7 I have a bad tear which is worse then the ruptured disc~soooo thats why i've been in so much pain...It shouldnt surprise me since my brother just had neck surgery a couple of months ago not to mention he had lower back surgery a couple of years ago as did my mom so it runs in the family!! The sad thing is,is that my lower back hurts worse then my neck and it has ruptured disc in it too!!! I have never ever had surgery-just 2 kids-so im scared to death especially since its on my spine....

I've felt like crap all day-i've been dizzy as heck all day,its about that time of the month so all of my health issues get really bad around this time!!

Doug has a big track meet tomorrow and today during practice he got his personal best in throwing the discus...gooooo doug doug!! He's probably going to pick out his tux this weekend for prom-he saw one that he wants-ALL WHITE-I do not trust that child in anything white especially something that we're renting!! lol he wants to go full pimp style-the top hat and cane-lmao-I told him if I have to have back surgery before prom I will let him use my walker and he can pimp that out-put some spinners on it etc....Deb and Karl have already paid for the Limo all the boys are going in and they found out the other day that John Travolta just used it(he's shooting another movie here in town)...

Wes did some more volunteering hours at the elementary school,Friday should be his last day there,its sad-its the elementary school in town that has the lowest grades and ratings and the kids get so excited when the college students come there and help them out-the other day the teacher told Wes that most of the kids dont have moms-either their dead,live on the street and prostitute, high on drugs or in jail!!!
Wes has decided to take the summer off and not take any summer classes-its going to take him forever to graduate-he really hasnt had much of a break so I can understand,I dont wont him to get too burned out and want to quit-which his dad wouldnt let happen anyway!!!! :)

I still havent colored my hair and boy does it need it-I did get it cut today though-every night this week there has been good stuff on TV that i've wanted to watch and im so glad that Carrie,Bo and Constatine or still on American Idol-I want Carrie or Bo to win but I think Constatine is coming on strong!!! And all this week another one of my Fav. shows-House Hunters has gone International-mannnnnn its expensive to live outside the USA!!! Unless they get payed a lot more then we Americans do?!

well i need to get-i've got a killer headache-stupid PMS rips my body up-im kind of looking forward to menapause-JUST KIDDINGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! ;)~

back forth


