At 2005-06-10 on 12:13 a.m.

Lil Michael Joseph made his way into the world today!! He is my cousin Roxanne's first grandbaby(she beat me to it) her daughter Lacey had lil Michael today by c-section and he weighed around 6 pounds-a pound more then what they thought he would be-the lil guy has some health problems and had to have surgery right away when he was born-his intestines were outside his body during the whole pregnancy but the surgery went well for him and hopfully he wont be in the hospital that long...On a sad note :*( i wish my Aunt Lucille could of seen her new great granbaby(first boy)-my Aunt Lucy(Roxanne's mom)passed away a couple of months ago!!!

We're going to be going to Orlando this Saturday to goof off-not going to any parks,saving that for july-then Monday morning I have to take my husband to the airport and then i have a drs. appt. later that day and then me and Doug are heading to georgia later that night for the rest of the week-i might wait until tuesday morning to go cause i know im going to be tired as heck to drive an 7 hour drive...

the winds were kind of gusty today cause of that stupid ass tropical storm-im guessing thats why it was so gusty-i soooooo hope we dont have a repeat of last year with all those hurricanes!!!

i watched the mtv movie awards tonight andthey were ok-the best part was my favorite friggin idiot napolean dynamite winning and playing batman and then my other fav. movie of the year "the notebook" winning for best kiss-is it just me or has tom cruise and katie holmes become love sick crazy ass nuts?!?! 2 weeks til the new real world starts-yessssssss!!!! where the heck is "big brother" at? bring it on cbs... i've been watching britney and kevin and that girl is sooo inmature(she reminds us of our 10 year old niece-same experssions)but she is pretty and can dance and is rich as heck and im not!!!!! :) but im HAPPPPPPY!!!! :)~ LMAO

well im out of here for now folks!!!
goshhhhhhh friggin idiots!!!

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