At 2005-06-14 on 12:26 a.m.

Saturday we got up early to head down to Orlando and we got caught in bad rain from that Tropical Storm,all the way down there it poured and when we got to Orlando it got sunny and VERY humid and then my husband made a dumb mistake and got a $115 ticket-so our day was pretty much ruined by then.The light was yellow,turning red and he went and the policewoman pulled him over-he did one of those push on the gas then pump the brakes to look like he was trying to stop but couldnt stop in time so went ahead thru-but he got busted by a woman cop-lol-boy did we rub that in-i dared him to ask for fries with his burger when she came to the window-lmao-of coarse he didnt-she was nice!! She said that there are a lot of people from different countrys that might not know the street light signs-afterwards we're like what when they are riding on thier flying carpets and camels they dont have to stop-lol-i know that sounds mean but its true in orlando!!!! if they are not visitors they own every store in orlando-i bet bin landen works in orlando!!!
Then my i was starving and my husband asked what i wanted to eat for lunch and i said i dont care just something quick cause im starving and he took that as me being a smartass and we drove straight home without stopping and getting anything to eat-i told him that i couldnt help it that he was a dumbass for running a redlight and getting caught which didnt help my empty stomach-oh well i slept on the way home anyway!!! :)

Sunday i went early fathers day shopping and got him some new luggage-duffle bag on wheels-its nice-and some new shirts,he is traveling a lot latley and needed a bigger luggage-i had to get up this morning and take him to the airport-we left at 3:30am-blahhhhhhhh-then i was suppose to have a drs. appt. this morning but they called and canceled it cause my dr. had an emergancy which made me happy-i wanted some sleep bad-then my mom called and asked if i wanted to drive down to st.augustine with her and my dad and i didnt want to but i went anyway-i swear they are dumb and dumber-i thought i was going to go crazzzzzzzzzy-my dad was playing his damn elvis cd the whole way there and they argue just like the costanza's on seinfeld!!! we had a good time once we got there though!!
got home just in time to see jack-o get off again!!! i knew that boys dumbass mom would ruin it for him!! i need to remind myself that if i ever want to do a horriable crime to do it in calif. so i can get off-but thats probably only for celebs....that mom should be held accountable for letting him sleep in the same house with michael and his dad too!!! they had money in there eyes from the get go-i feel sorry for those kids!!!

doug just won $80 at the poker house!! go doug!! my dog bo busted open up one of his beanie babys all over the floor so i just had to clean that fun mess up!! we're leaving tomorrow to go to the cabin in GA and im coming back thursday night to pick my hubby up at the airport-i miss him already!!! :*(

well i need to go take some ibuprofen for a killer headache!!!
later tator tots

back forth


