At 2005-07-12 on 2:29 p.m.

First off~hurricane Dennis~it didnt bother our side of Florida,we got one heavy down pour with 30mph winds and lightning and it only lasted about 30min. so we did good AGAIN!!!! Now Emily is out there and early signs show that it might hit the Atlantic ocean side(our side) so we shall keep an eye on it!!!

My days have run together this past week with Crystal and her crew in town-Thursday night we all went out and had a great dinner,didnt see them Friday and they left early morning and went to Universal Studios until sunday and then they headed home-i talked to her last night and her boys want to come live here!!! lol

Saturday our house was turned upside down-not by the storm lol-My husband and sons got there "boy toy" they have been dying to get-a 60" large screen tv-just in time for football season-our living room is so small anyway and now it really looks small but i must admit i love the picture ;) and they have a 1000 watt surround sound hooked up to it and last night it scared the hell out of me when i was on the phone-i actually jumped-lol-that thing is going to make me deaf!!! we bought some cute lil book cases to go on each side of it with lil glass doors,now i just need to arrange things in them and arrange things in the bedroom one too but im sitting here on the computer instead-i have sooooo much to do but have i done it-nope-thats what the "curse" does to me-leaves me draiiiined!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr

I need to run to the library and to the eye dr. to pick up my contacts-speaking of-i went to the eye dr.on friday to finish getting my eye exam that i started getting in may and just now got around to going back :)-not like we have had tons going on since then-as soon as she looked in my eyes she asked how my cholestral levels are and i said great-they have never been bad-well guess what???? my eyes have high cholestral levels showing in them-something she said much older people get something that a 40 year old shouldnt have-ADD THAT TO THE LIST OF PATTI'S MIS-HAPS-so now i have to go to my dr. and get checked out for that!! my body soooo sucksssss but WHATEVERRRRRRRRR it helps to laugh at myself i tell ya!!!
Doug busted his leg open a lil bit on Saturday when he bent down to hook up something on the new tv-we had to put a band aid on it but it wasnt bleeding too bad-thank goodness-and his brother hit him the other day and he jumped up real quick and started to run after him and then realized he couldnt-lol-if he doesnt break that leg before its over with it will be amazing!!!!

well i need to go earn my living around this place and get some things done before i get replaced!! ;) lol

back forth


