At 2005-07-06 on 11:18 p.m.

He had his staples removed today and it was the first time we have seen it since he had surgery and its not pretty-he is going to have a HUGE scar and it is soooooo bruised and swollen still it was making me feel icky looking at it-not the scar but the swelling and bruising!!!! they gave him a sleeve(brace)to put on it to help the swelling go down!!! He got to take his first real shower in 2 weeks-yeahhhhhh-he actually took 2 showers today...he still has stitches in it but they will fall out on their on-they had to take x-rays to make sure that the drain they put in came all the way out cause it broke off in his leg!!! all was good!!! he has to go back in 3 to 4 weeks and cant do anything "fun" on it for at least 6 weeks!!!!

July 4th~we had a blast at the family reunion and Doug doug went and bailey and daulton went-thats a first for them,crystal and her husband and kids were there-we just had a really good time besides my poor husband-lmao-he opened up a 2 liter of strawberry soda and it exploded all on him so he was sticky and pink all day then his glasses got broken when a kid threw a basketball at his face!!!
We didnt go see fireworks that night-it was storming all afternoon and my husband had to work the next day and crystals husband had work to do and get ready to fly to utah on tuesday!!
Today me and my mom and crystal and he boys and doug and his friends ronnie and diana and my dad all went to the zoo-it was hot as hell and half the animals werent out to see but we had a good time-i really didnt feel like going after getting up and taking doug to the dr. at 8am-had to get up at 6:30 and didnt sleep well at all last night but i was a trooper!!! mannnnn we rode in crystals new toyota sequio and that baby is sweet!!! we didnt get home until around 5pm and then i had to cook-grilled out-and fianlly got a shower after being sticky sweaty all day-the chimps at the zoo today were sooooo damn funny!!!
I think we're all going out to dinner tomorrow night after my hubby gets home from getting a new eyeglass exam-then on friday night crystal has to pick up her husband from the airport and their leaving on saturday morning to go to universal studios!! they might want to extend their stay since those hurricanes are a coming-man i cant believe this happening again so soon!!!
Way to go Lance Armstrong-keep it up in the weeks to come!!!!
damn i typed a lot and im tired-i better get some sleep tonight!!! grrrr
my baby doesnt have cancer~thank you jesus!!!

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