At 2005-08-14 on 11:28 p.m.

Just about every woman that i am close to is going thru a major rut and we're all the same~its not just one thing its many little things that have started out as a lil twig and now is a full blown tumble weed!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! LOL

And one of the bad things about it is that it probably would help to write it all down here to release some tension but it involves family and as much as they have me pissed off and stressed me out,it bothers me after the fact-when i've had a cooling down period-that i wrote about it... And it doesnt help that I have the "evil patti" telling me to write about it-thats what my diary is all about right?? then I have the "good patti" telling me to just chill and it will pass!!! what am i to do?! who the hell cares anyway?!
I told my husband last night that im sick of all this crap and that im leaving-i told him so get your shoes on and take me somewhere and give me some money-lol-it was a joke of coarse-but thats how it would probably have to be if i ever left-ummmm i dont know where im going but can you take me and give me some money since i dont work!!lol we both laughed!!! and just for the knowing-i do drive and if i did ever leave(which i wont)i would drive myself so nobody could find me for awhile and after being married for 21 years-whats his is mine right ;) but none of this involves my husband this time so he's not the issue!!! basically this happens a couple of times a year-more so the past couple of years-and i think we all just need a "time out"!!! plus it involves other family memebers but i already mention that right?! I know im talking in circles but thats what tumble weeds do-they roll around and around in circles!!

by the way-I HATE MY NEW HAIRCUT-LOL-its not the hair cutter,its not the hair cut,its the hair and the person its on!!! and on top of everything else, today i feel a "summer cold" coming on,i feel yucky sicky achey!!! IT SUCKS TO BE ME RIGHT NOW!! :) and I just saw on the news that the trauma helicopter that picked my husband up when he had his accident crashed this afternoon-but nobody was hurt-thank god-so lets have all of those flashbacks to remember now on top of everything else-HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT "EVIL PATTI",BRING IT ON!!! At least the "GOOD PATTI" can keep her sense of humor!!! :)~

back forth


