At 2005-08-22 on 2:10 a.m.

Its 2am and im wide awake cause what did we do all day~SLEEP~we were suppose to wake up early and go over to my parents house and im ususally the one who is hard to get up in the mornings but nope it was my husband this morning and he said he didnt want to go,he was suppose to put together a big entertainment center that my parents got but he was tired and he was sick on his tummy all morning/afternoon(too many wings last night),so i had to call my mom and tell here it wont be today!!! so he rolled over and went back to sleep and so did I and slept we did-like all day-got up to cook dinner and i was using the deep fryer and the handle broke off the basket and the hot grease splattered on my neck and chin but it wasnt too bad thank goodness!!

Im so far behind this weekend-i havent even read Saturdays or Sundays papers yet and im still doing laundry at 2 am...i have only myself to blame i know!!! :) And i swear my mind is forgetting everything and something bad is going to happen-im going to have to start leaving myself lil notes everywhere~I just noticed my phone bill was due on the 14th and im just now paying it,i did that before and it got turned off-just because i forgot to pay it-how embarrassing-had the money just forgot-lol-and then with my drs. appt. the other day-did i screw up the time or did they give me the wrong time when they left the message-i erased the message but i could of sworn they said 11:45 but when i got there they said it was 11:15 but then again they didnt even know that they have a service that calls people to tell them about their appointments...im loosing it!!! :)~

My oldest son starts back to college in the morning-back to getting up at 6:30am-he is not looking forward to it at all-his poor backpack is soooo heavy-i dont know how in the world i could eve carry it-i would have to get one on wheels-lol-i have to take the youngest son tomorrow to meet with a advisor at his college and see what all he has to do etc...it was kind of eerie quiet around here today-a lot of their friends have gone out of town to go to college,im sure there was a lot of crying moms this weekend seeing their babies go off to college for the first time but give them a couple of months and when the kids come back home they'll be ready for them to leave!!! ;)
OKKK here is what my college age children have done today-my husband has a really nice label machine that he brought home so we can make labels for our file cabnits and god forbid if our 18 and 20 year old cant act their age-they or one of them labeled everything in the house will we were napping today-im sitting here with a sticker that says "computer" written on it and "desk" and i went to sit on the "couch" and its labeled-maybe they know how my brain is starting to forget things and they're doing me a favor!!! lol NOT A BAD IDEA KIDS!!! see my boys are smart ;)

back forth


