At 2005-10-07 on 1:58 a.m.

besides that i need a hair cut and color BAD!!! its driving me nuts-the girl who has been cutting my hair went to another salon so i started to go to my ex sister in-laws friend who cuts hair out of her house but she charges a ton and i only go to her when i need a "style" a serious cut-so i found out where the first girl is and its not too far from me so i will go to her tomorrow to get just a trim-or attempt to go to her!!!

today i pretty much stayed on the phone all day and im losing my voice-crystal called me like a million times and my mom called twice and then i talked to lorrie my ex sis inlaw...
saturday morning my niece is having a big gymnastic meet near orlando and we are going-its our first one going to and i cant wait-she has gotten so good and my brother and lorrie cant afford to send her to all the meets cause gymnastics is way too expensive and their usually out of town...lorrie said that the judges de-duct points from the girls if a piece of hair touches thier forhead-thats nuts-bailey had her hair cut short so she could donate her hair to locks of love and her hair is growing out still and it sometimes falls down-i hope it doesnt on saturday-actually lorrie was told to go buy some stuff that black people use in their hair that keeps it in place so she did and she said it does work-it starts with a "j"...

well i need to go mapquest where her meet is going to be so we dont get lost!! :)

back forth


