At 2005-10-13 on 6:24 p.m.

getting teeth pulled is nasty~the smell of cutting them out,the taste of blood afterwards and then the taste of bloody gauze that you have to keep changing after they have been pulled!! just nasty and i hope i dont have to have it done again-the pain i can handle-i tolerate pain pretty good its the other stuff that gets to me!!! andit took me over 2 hours last night trying to eat a bowl of vegi soup-thats what really sucks-not being able to eat-i had a tooth pulled on each side of my mouth so i cant chew on either side and im starving-im tired of applesauce and pudding-i guess i'll have some cheese grits for dinner!!! i hope it heals soon..the gave me some darvocet for pain and i only took one pill-i dont like taking drugs like that!!

im leavinggggg on a jet plane~im going with my hubby to Philly next weekend~yeahhhh believe it or not its our first trip together on a plane!!! hard to believe after being married for 21 years...we'll be gone for 4 days-its a business trip for him but fun for me!!! :) we're trying to figure out some fun stuff to do in/near Philly so if anybody has any recommendations we would love to hear about them-my dads family lives near there but i dont want this to be a "family visiting trip"-sounds mean but whateverrr!!! lol i know we'll be going to NYC for one day-i would like to go visit a Amish town too...we tried to get doug to go with us but he wont go on a plane!!! lol

speaking of sons-mine are fighting over who is going to buy the "BURGER KING" mask for Halloween-lmao-they both want it-Wes said he called dibs on it before he even knew there was a mask like months ago-lol-so i have a 20 year old and 18 year old fighting over who is going to be that creepy ass burger king dude!! my bet is that neither one will be it!! crystals husband tom is going to be the samething!!! lol-speaking of tom-he is having a angio balloon thing done to his heart tomorrow to check his heart out and he is only 40-his dad had a massive heartattack in his mid 40's and tom cant control his bloodpressure and has had some chest pains-so lets hope everything is ok with him!!!

well i need to go find something to nibble on and i need to color my hair tonight-funnnnn!!!

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