At 2005-11-01 on 11:55 a.m.

OUR NEIGHBORHOOD SUCKS!!!! we had maybe 40 kids come by last night-thats down from last year-i hate to see next year!! We dont hardly have any kids in our neighborhood but i thought that they would come from surrounding areas...our house looked so scary too-I LOVE HALLOWEEN-Wes and Doug got our neighbors Ann and Velma good-they both screamed thier asses off and of coarse they both have pace makers so I hope they woke up this morning-lol-Saturday night Ann was a victim of pumpkin smashing and mailbox bashing so we never heard the last of that last night but she was better then usual!! Saturday night Doug went to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios and he didnt get home until like 5am and he said he saw other peoples pumpkins smashed in the street so Ann wasnt the only one hit-last year we got hit-Bo started barking around 12:30am and Ann said her dog Maddie started barking around that time too so that is probably when it happened....

Wes couldnt go to school again today-he had one of his major nose bleeds-he had one yesterday morning too-he needs to go to the dr. soon cause they are getting worse but he is like his dad when it comes to going to the dr....

I feel a cold coming on-its forming-go awayyyyyyyy-i hope its not the chicken flu-lol-our Fair starts tomorrow and i cant wait-WE LOVVVVVVE THE FAIR-im probably going to go see Craig Morgan one night and Josh Gracin another night-they both are on a Thursday night which sucks cause I like going on the weekends and stay forever and it eat all that bad/good fair food!!! :)~

im sitting here looking at the mes my house is and i dont have any energy to clean it but i just have enough energy to type in my diary :) go figure!!!! oh well i better go be a good wife and do my chores-its the least i can do right?! ;) whatever my hubby loves me-sometimes!!!!

back forth


