At 2005-11-16 on 10:12 p.m.

I have had a horriable headache all day brought on because of the new meds that i will not take again anytime soon!
welllllll we took back my van to the dealership-whaaaaaaa whaaaaaaa i loved that van-i wanted to keep it soooo bad but without the high payments of coarse but i guess that isnt how it works-lol-they said they could put us into a brand new van with lower payments but my heart was already sold on the kind we had briefly....they were very nice though which is very rare when it comes to buying a new/used car!!!

we went over to my parents house for awhile since they live close by the dealership-daulton was staying there and he was home sick from school today and i called Bailey to wish her a happy b/day and she had some sad news-she broke her foot last night at gymnastics and they found out today that its a fracture and not actually broken so she should be in a cast just for a couple of weeks but no more competitions for her this year-im glad she was able to win some medals this year-she won 3 more ths past Saturday!! I forgot to mention it was Davis's b/day on the 9th-he's Bailey and Daultons half brother aka wild man!!! he turned 6 and he looks maybe 4-he looks tiny to me still.....
My phone should be ringing off the hook tomorrow-my cousin Crystal and her husband are coming back from Costa Rica tonight-they have been there since Sunday-they are investing in property with his company...they are suppose to come up to spend next week with us for Thanksgiving-i cant believe next week is Thanksgiving-it just doesnt seem like it....and then the maddness of Christmas starts....
Im not big on Christmas anymore-it just isnt the same since the boys arent lil anymore and its so commercial now and i feel pressure to buy stuff!!!!

Im drinking the water drink Fruit-2-0 and im not sure if i like it or not,it kind of has a asprin taste to it or something-its watermelon kiwi flavor...

i watched the music awards last night and i saw my baby's daddy on there(garth brooks)just kidding-its really (tim mcgraw)just kidding again....i sooo cant wait to get garth's and reba's new cds next week....and keith urban tickets are going on sale tomorrow and i love him too....
later friends :)

back forth


