At 2005-11-26 on 10:48 p.m.

Last week I got the new Reba McEnitre CD and I love it-its a 2 disc set and I like disc #1 the best-it has all her number 1 hits on it and 2 new songs..
My friend Chana just made me think about Garths new cd set-it came out yesterday and totally forgot about it!!! I'll ask santa for it ;)

slept in realllll late today and then went and got a much needed haircut-just a trim-and now i need to color it big time before i go on the cruise..after i got my hair cut i went shopping-for me-lol-forget about christmas shopping for my love ones,it was all about me today!! ;) I went to Burlington coat factory and they always have tons of good stuff in there at great prices-i always spend hours in there...i missed the fsu/florida game and i was glad-our noles got their ass handed to them by the gators-kind of knew they would-thats why i stayed gone all day-didnt want to be around grumpy men!!!

the boys are out now playing their round up football game they have every Saturday night...

last night coming home-dont know if i said this last night-oh well-pulling on to our street was 3 deer-that were so pretty-the boys have always seen them cause they come home late at night but this was mine and hubbys first time-they hang out on the golf coarse at night-im surprise we dont see them in our back yard since its all woods behind us....

i got me some cute clothes today for our cruise-still need a pretty dress for the dress-up night! im getting excited for it!!
well this entry is all over the place but whats new with me?! ;)~
peace out

back forth


