At 2006-09-12 on 2:38 p.m.

We had a relaxing weekend and didnt do much,Wes left Friday night and headed to Tally to visit friends and go to the FSU game on Saturday and Doug had to work at his new job and hubby laid around all day-he's still trying to get over his cold and i went shopping for those black shorts for Doug again-its amazing how hard it is to find a pair of black shorts-they all are khakis and if i do find a pair of black ones their like dress shorts-he needs a pair of black cargo shorts and so far i've found one pair!!
Sunday was the start of the NFL kickoff and our game was great-we won-yeahhhh-we beat the cowboys and T'O :)
it rained a lot of the game but think goodness for lil $1 ponchos-next big game is Monday night against the superbowl champs the Steelers-look for us in the stands-we're in the Budzone and by the Geico sign :) lol...Doug is in the North End Zone with his friends Ronnie and Diana-our side is better ;)
Doug was ticked off cause during warm ups the kicker for Dallas kicked a ball in the stands and Doug was looking and he felt something coming his way and it was the football and it hit right in the hands and bounced off and somebody else got it-they usually make you throw them back but they didnt that time....We saw a bunch of our friends that we havent seen in awhile before the game so that was nice-none of us knew that each other had season tickets...

That morning Wes had just got home from Tally and said mom have you seen this-i said seen what and he said come here and on the tv was news about the 6.0 earthquake-WTF-a earthquake in Florida and a big one...yep true...after we knew what happened we realized that at that exact time we had a power failure-dont know if that was the cause???!!! My mom said some people she knows were on their dock with some friends and it started shaking real bad and the friends asked if it was safe for all of them to be on and they said yes and then they were wondering if there was a manatte under it hitting it but nope it was the earthquake so a lot of people felt it and a lot of people didnt even know about it...my mom was disappointed-lol-she wanted to fill it-so did I ;)~

9/11~It seems like yesterday and im sure it will always seem that way-watching the reports on tv yesterday just brought back all the angry and chills and fears of that awful day and many tears...I remember watching it all happen live on tv while it was happeneing and I wanted to get my boys out of school but they were all on lock down-nobody in-nobody out...I remember me and Crystal trying to get ahold of her sister Teresa in PA cause she lived by the site that flight 93 went down and we never could get ahold of her until late that night...
Our sons school did a fund raiser and made this beautiful remembrance blanket to give to NYC and NYC gave thier school a large piece of the WTC and now it sits in the middle of thier courtyard and its very touching and moving to visit it..you can check it out at this website-its in the shape of a V for victory....

There is a lot of evil in this world and they are out to get the USA at any cost-its not about Politics or who is Republican or Democrat-this stuff has been going on long before the Bushes and Clintons have been in office-I just dont like it when some news channels try to turn this into a political issue when the picture is much bigger...

back forth


