productive day
At 2006-12-05 on 8:56 p.m.

maybe my new brain meds are helping out-i've had more energy the past couple of days and that never happens! woke up this morning took wes to the store to buy his dvd(he's in heaven)bought some poinsettias and a lil real tree,came home and had Doug mow the yard-hopefully for the last time this year-Doug and I did good-the mower was out of oil and we didnt know which kind it took but we figured it out-hubby only has like 100 different kinds of oils in the garage-then Doug and I took all the Christmas decorations down from the attic which took longer then what I wanted cause Doug found a box that had his stuff in it from elementary school so we had to reminess and look at everything and he found one of his favorite books-something called "STINKY CHEESE MAN" or something like that and his favorite book "CORDUROY"...I miss my boys being lil :*(

I then had to make several phone calls and they both left with we'll get right back with you and I never heard back from them....

I then cooked Chicken Parmesan stuffed with ricotta cheese and it was really good and feeling-i have tons left over....

Tomorrow is another busy morning-we have to go to the ortho dr. so they can look at Wes's leg-he's still in so much pain...not sure we have trust in the dr. that is looking at it but having no insurance we dont have much of a choice who he can go to or who will see him...alls I know is he better not mess around with my sons leg and screw it up worse then what it already is are the mean mama will have to show her face!! :)
Doug has his finals tomorrow for his math class-i hope he passes-he had one for his english class yesterday and hasnt gotten his score yet....we shall see soon enough!!

back forth


