At 2006-12-23 on 1:34 a.m.

This year I have out done myself-I have wrapped presents every night that I have bought something :) I hate wrapping and usually wait til the last second-I still have a few things to bag but that takes no time!!

My oldest baby boy is back home so the whole clan is safe in our lil dwelling :) him and Mark had a horriable fishing trip-not much biting but they had fun on the trip...

Im soooo mad at my youngest brat-last night I tickled his lil hairy pit and he frogged my arm so hard that I actually started coughing cause it knocked the wind out of me-he laughed-and then said "im sorry" a hour later...luckly I dont bruise easy or I would have a nice one on my arm...

Me,hubby and Wes went out to eat tonight(Doug had to work)and right next door is a sporting store and one of the Jaguars players was signing autographs and Wes had his picture made with him and it turned out really nice!! He asked Wes what he did to his leg and the player was grimacing in pain and told him to say no more-he knows how bad that injury is...

Hubby and I were looking at toys the other day for my nephew Davis and I dont care what kids/teens say today-we thought our toys were much better!!
I loved my Holly Hobbies,Raggedy Ann/Andy,bikes,skates,light brite,jump ropes,swing sets that tipped over when you went to high :),sit n spin,pottery wheel,mister potato head,ants in your pants,spill the beans,cooties,spyro wheels,slinkys,hoola hoops,hot wheels with the plastic ramps,the electric football games that vibrated the lil players around,the lil cars that you put the cord thing in and pull out and they take off,etch n sketch,playdough,my plastic horses that I collected,my brothers Mr.Peanut peanut butter maker,our snoopy snow cone maker,and those lil board things that had lil static plastic pieces that you could place all over the board and rearrange them-i cant think of what they were called??????? I loved those!!!! I wasnt a barbie girl but I did like my big barbie head that you could put make up on and do her hair and my misses beasley doll :) and all my dolls that could eat,wet and shit...ahhhhh the good ole days oh and my pog go stick which I ruled on and my pick up sticks and jacks-i was the queen!! :) etc..............
any out there????!!!!

back forth


