At 2006-12-21 on 10:33 p.m.

Last night we went to Target and we saw Austin's girlfriend working at the register and she looks so sad and lost-I didnt say anything to her cause she doesnt know who I am and I didnt want to make her start crying at work abut I just wanted to give her one big hug-im sure its going to be so hard for her and Austin's family having to go thru their first Christmas without him being around :*(

Then today I made stop at Goodwill to make some donations and the guy working there was so nice-first off he asked if that was me on my shirt-my response "I WISH IN MORE WAYS THEN ONE"-I had on my Faith Hill and Tim Mcgraw concert shirt :) and then he asked me if I was ready for Santa to come visit me and i said sure even though IM not much of a personal Christmas person and I asked him the same and he said he has the gift of life cause he survived Katrina-he lived in Gulfport Miss. and lost everything and I told him that was one of our Fav. places to go,it was so pretty and he worked at the hotel and casino we always went to-I asked him if he was going back and he said no that God placed him here(FL.)for a reason and he was blessed!! :) Sometimes a small conversation with a complete stranger can just make you feel happy....

I got new glasses the other night and I dont know if I like them-my script changed a ton and im having a hard time adjusting to them-i can see far away for the first time in years but now I cant see up close(why cant it ever be right?)the dr. warned me next time it would be bi-focals which my husband has and hates-the next time for me might be laser instead of glasses and contacts :)

I got a early Christmas present-a new cell phone and I cant figure the thing out-i might like my old school one better but god forbid if I complain about it after I dropped so many hints that I wanted a new one ;)

Techno Doug got an early present too-one of those Ipods that plays movies-he was buying it for himself and hubby said happy early Christmas and paid for it for him-LUCKKKKKKKY-the person who helped him out at Best Buy wellll lets just say it brought on conversation on the way home-I said was that person a boy or a girl and hubby said he was wondering the samething-we both thought it was a girl and Doug said no way it was a dude and then we said lets look on the reciept and see if it has his/her name and Doug said it would probably be something like Pat/Sam/Chris/Jesse etc...and it didnt have the name on there so now its driving us crazy.....

Wes got his present early too-hubby paid for him and his friend mark to go to the Keys for a week and it sounds like they havent had any luck fishing-its been really windy there so that makes for unhappy young men....Of coarse they have to be evil too-they said they went out to eat and there was a guy there that was just like the guy from SOMETHING ABOUT MARY-the brother Warren who wore earphones and a helmet and didnt like his ears touched so they had to call me and say "FRANKS AND BEANS"...Wes has a lot of room to talk since he is walking around with a peg leg-not exactly but he walks like he has one ;)~

I need to get more things together for goodwill tomorrow and my house is beyond a mess-ughhh

back forth


