DC pics
At 2007-06-27 on 10:58 p.m.

here are some pics from our DC trip-this is after sleeping in the van so no judgement ;)

Marine 1 picking up President Bush-it was very cool to watch!!

well im having a issue uploading more pics right now so i will try again later!!

I get to go see my "crush" dr. tomorrow-yeahhhhhhhhh ;) i dont think he is going to be too happy with me cause i havent been to rehab yet for my back-the night before i was suppose to go is when my Aunt Jean died and then we went on vacation-oh well-hopefully he'll spank me for being a bad patient :)~

The past 2 nights me and the hub have gone and looked at a boat-yessss he's on that kick again-it happens about every other week-it doesnt help that we're surrounded by water with everybody out enjoying thierselves in thier motorcrafts,he wants one so bad and we found a nice used one-the one we test drove tonight-but he'll drive himself and me crazy trying to make a decision on getting it-its hard for him to commit to a big purchase,he's always worried about losing his job-which we did come home and he read online that a company has merged with another company and they will probably lease out my hubbys old place of business which my hubby is still contracted out of-he shows the building and checks on it from time to time since the headquaters is based in another country so that means he will be losing that income-its not that much but it sure does help since he isnt making what he use to at this new job!!

Doug just came home happy-it has to do with food so that makes him very happy-they are about to open up a new fancy restaurant near us and one of his friends nows somebody who will work there so Doug and 5 of his friends got to eat free to train the workers...

I miss my Wes Wes :(
hopefully more pics. later

back forth


