my cousin crystal
At 2007-08-02 on 4:17 p.m.

that poor child is having a heck of time-she called me yesterday and i answered the phone like "dang girl what do you want now" just playing around and as soon as she started speaking she was bawling her eyes out and i felt so first thought was that david got out but no that wasnt it-she was just missing her mom so bad and wanted to call her-tomorrow would of been my aunt jeans b/day and today crystal and her MIL were going to her grave for the first time and crystal doesnt handle stuff like that well at all especially when its her mom and she didnt want her buried in the ground....i havent heard from her yet i just hope she is ok....she talked to the detective yesterday and again he said he couldnt tell her much he has to be tight lipped but he really thinks they have enough on david to get him-they hired a expert on drownings from miami and they have to present their case to the state atts. office and then he decides if they have enough to send him to a trial....then crystal was upset that her mom told things to her sister that she didnt tell her and we both agree that the reason behind that is teresa has been in a abusive relationship and stays and then it gets good etc...and teresa always told her mom to go back to david that it always passes etc...and then when things got really bad that is when she would yell at crystal to get their mom out of crystal found out that jean told teresa that jeans son saul got a ticket for driving and jean didnt tell crystal-why cause crystal would of said take his license away and car and teresa would of said in her eeyore voice wellllll thats what 16 years old do!!

another thing about crystal-she went to NYC a few weeks ago and they had that steam pipe blow up in the road and guess where she is leaving to go tomorrow-Minniapolis-yep where that bridge fell down-her friend is getting married-the one that was on the Apprentice(and that is who she was with in NYC)and its going to be a big wedding with over 300 guest-i hope none of them were on the bridge when it went down....

My mom HATES driving over bridges and we are known as the RIVER CITY so we have to cross a bridge pretty much everywhere you go around here and we have had a lot of problems with ours-they just finished working on a big one here cause of safty issues...

My mom had her appt. today for her leg and of course he didnt do much but looked at it and ordered a mri so she has to wait on that and he didnt refill her pain pills and she is in so much pain...

I really really dont even like writing in her anymore cause i just feel so negative and i hate being that way but this is what this year has dealt me and i just cant help it-sometimes it helps to just let your feelings flow in writing and this is my outlet.... i had been doing well this week with my emotions until crystal called yesterday and was crying and that got me going again-i told her that i had my meltdown last week-and i was telling my husband that he just doesnt understand what my aunt jean meant to me and how hard this has hurt me and i will never get over it-i did things with her that i didnt do with my own mom-like when i was 12 and went to stay with her in Texas she bought me my first training bra and it had to have the lil pink flower in the middle and when i went to stay the winter with her in Atlanta and i was 14 i got my period for the first time and was scared to death to tell her but i did and she helped me thru it...and the funny thing is the samething happened to crystal and my mom-my mom is to crystal what her mom jean was to me!!
another lil freaky deaky story the other day when crystal was here in town picking up her son my mom showed crystal and me a yard slag she bought to remind her of jean and crystal was like omg i just bought the same one and i was like omg me too-so we all have the same garden flag and were all planting a lil garden and making stepping stones etc..the only thing bad about it is my aunt jean loved the lil green rain forest slimmy frogs and i HATE them...but they arent on the flags but i guess i'll have to buy a lil one to go somewhere but then again i have the lil slimmy suckers in my yard all the time so that might just have to do!!! I told crystal to make sure to tell her mom today that the next time i see her im going to kick her ass for going back to that jerk and not calling me for help...this entry could go on and on but i have dinner to finish....
bless those poor folks that were involved in that bridge collapse!!

back forth


