we need a bigger house
At 2007-12-07 on 2:00 a.m.

I am soooo thankful for having a nice home in a great area but it is on the small side-you can hear everything and we have 2 that go to bed early and 2(me and doug) that are night owls...my boys are 20 and 22 and i dont know when they will be leaving the nest-which is ok by me-i love having them around as long as im not their maid-i dont mind doing their laundry as long as they pick it up and bring it to me but they do know how to do it themselves.....

well back to needing a bigger home or i would love to have a basement but that doesnt happen in florida... doug and his girlfriend just got back from wal-mart and he bought that darn game dance dance revolution and all i hear is doug and erin laughing and dancing their bootys off and im just waiting for wes to come storming out of his room not too happy that his brother woke him up playing on dance dance revolution....

I put up my tree last night and its so pretty and before i went to my cousins house last week I bought her an angel ornament to put on her tree-its really pretty and dressed in purple-the color for domestic violence and has blonde hair and blue eyes....well i pull out my angel to put on the tree and its draped in silver and she is holding a string of purple beads in her hands and she has the exact same face and hair as the one i got crystal and i've had mine for years and my aunt Jean had blonde hair and blue eyes...I cant believe they both have the exact faces...thats just like me and my mom and crystal all buying the same garden flag without the other nothing...

its been a tough week but im getting better-i went shopping yesterday and I bought my aunts son some things and im sending him a lil money-he really doesnt know us thanks to his dad but thats not going to stop me-i know my aunt would be happy that we're attempting to look after her son even if he doesnt appreciate it...

doug just came out to get some gatorade-he said that thing is a workout lmao-he told me to do it and i said heck no-i've got cramps from hell!!

I went to the orthodontist yesterday to see about getting braces and those things are expensive-almost 6,000 and my insurance doesnt cover adults but i need them so bad-not only to straightn my teeth but my tmj is HORRIABLE-he asked how long that popping has been going on and i said um since i was about 12.they pop and lock big time now i just need to convince my hubby to invest in my mouth when he is in the no spending zone-he picked the wrong time of year to start that with the holidays and all...

we had a 6 story parking garage under construction collaps this morning and one man is still missing-so lucky others werent hurt critical...i think 24 were hurt....and then that lil sucker(thats saying it nicely) had to go kill all those people in Omaha at the mall...grrrrrr

who all has a basement? its always been a dream of mine-i know weird!!

back forth


