well that was a shock.....
At 2008-01-10 on 3:17 p.m.

we all(me,my mom,my cousins etc.) all got an email from my cousin crystal last night telling us that we all need to back off her moms case and just let her deal with it....it took us all by suprise...

back up a lil-ever since david went to court in nov. we havent been able to check up on his future court dates and what all happened that day in court like we use to be able to-now you need a password to get in to read it so I emailed the clerk of courts to get a password and he gave it to me with no problem-it is public records and we do have the right to it-

then the other day my mom emailed the DA and his boss asking where they stand in the case going forward in filing charges against david cause the deadline is coming up-jean was my moms sister she has the right to know-and anyway crystal is the one who gave my mom the DA's email in the past and gave my mom the job to contact him and see where things are going-now she doesnt want any of us to be involved-she said that the DA wants one contact person which would be crystal-which that i can totally understand since she is the daughter and lives ther local-what the deal is and she has never gotten over is that my cousin terri called the coroners office and asked for a copy of the autopsy report and that pissed crystal off big time-and still does and she feels like terri is trying to be cagney and lacey and tryint to break the case-in all honestly terrri does alot of that but its all in good hearted way-we laghed in the past and called terri cagney and lacey and csi terri etc...and she use to work in a court room so she has history of how things worked so she thought she could find out things that might be helpful but i guess our once help is not wanted anymore.....

Crystal sent me a follow up email saying that she just included me in the email and my mom to look like it was to all of us-cause she needs me and my mom in her life more then anything and then she said all what she fealt about terri and lisa(terris sister) were in it just to try and break the case and that htey hadnt seen her mom in over 20 years which isnt true...she just took it to a personal level that she didnt need to...and i told crystal if me going to her moms grave the other day without calling her telling her that i was there upset her-well thats just too bad cause that is my right if i chose to go there and if im in town i will do it again cause nobody else is going there-her responce was she didnt pick out that grave site and thats not her mom in that casket just her bones not her spirit...she told me she wasnt mad at all of me going but who knows...
i told her i dont want this to tear the family apart-that her moms death acutally has brought us all a lot closer....in her last email she said my mom and me are her crutch and she needs us in her life and without us she would lose it which i know is true and maybe she just had a meltdown and said thing she might regret now and thats ok we all do that...but it was a lil shock...i havent heard back from her from my email i sent her but she is planning and doing a lot for their cruise they leave on this weekend or monday i cant remember all the hit she does...now she is taken the boys and her sitter so she has to get all their stuff together too so im sure she is frazzled and we are her punching bag for the moment....oh well....whatevaaaa-im done helping unless she asks....

not much else going on-i've had bad allergies and took one lil pill which has knocked me out of loop for 2 days-i still feel so tired from it....i think my dog is sick too-his lil nose is running and he has been just laying down...

we already have horriable mosquitos and its not even summer-mild winter hasnt helped...

so has anybody been watching the presidential races? who are you voting for? JUST KIDDING I dont even want to know-that is a personal question and i like watching politics to a point but dont like to talk about them-eveyone is intitled to their own thoughts and thats how it should be-but for some reason im in to them this year cause i dont have a clue who i like yet...Honestly i dont know who in their right mind would want that job in the first place....and they all lie-period!!! or change their mind is a nicer way of saying it ;)

ughhhh- i dont feel like cooking tonight-also i've gone atleast 3 months without drinking regular sugar induced cokes-its been all diet and for 2 weeks now i havent had the south staple of "sweet tea" -i've been using fake sweetner and its fine....but i havent lost any weight-i heard just getting rid of sodas you can lose alot of weight and and wasted calories-but it hasnt helped me yet....go figure!!!
I need to color my hair too-im a mess all around!!! grrr
p.s. i have a stalker on myspace-i think she is a really nice person but damn she wont leave me alone and sends me shit all day long and i dont even know her....does that make me a bad person? i feel bad feeling that way about her but gosh back off....

that was my new years resloution-to become meaner and stick up for myself but its hard for me-im too guilable and but i have been mean to my loved ones which isnt right but attimes they deserve it-im tired of putting up with smartass mouth men-my husband said that i have becomed combatted-my responce was yeah get use to it and deal with it..isnt that mean of me?! I am one mean bitch so far this year ;)

back forth


