At 2008-01-24 on 4:04 p.m.

We went out to eat Saturday night as a whole family-meaning my mom and brother and his kids went along with my clan and Dougs girlfriend-it was hr first time meeting my family-things were going great and then my husband gets a call from his boss-the asshole-he said he needed to get to work right away there was an issue and my husband said that he was at an important family fuction-to us it was important we were celebrating b/days and we never do that as a big dinner out-so the asshole said he would call somebody else-well he couldnt get ahold of anybody else(i think they dont pick up on purpose cause the guy is a dick)so he calls my husband back and says "i dont care if your at a family fuction get here-then he calls back and says oh it was a false alarm you dont need to come in"! If it was that important the fucker owns the company and lives right down the street and we were way across that kind of ruined the evening even though hubby tried not to and Wes and Doug wanted to beat the crap out of the man as did my mom!!

So after we go to dinner and part our ways-the boys(yes the 22 and 20 year old and Dougs girlfriend) wanted to go to TOYS R US across the street-the one we use to alwas take them to when they were lil :*( going to TOYS R US just isnt the same without lil ones...the boys each bought a remote controll car so they could have races-lol-me and Erin looked at cute baby clothes and highchairs and beds hmmmmmm? no I dont think so...

Monday hubby had a appt. with a new dr. since our insurance changed and the guy spent a lot of time with him and he did a ekg on him and his heart problem whatever it is is still showing up even though he had that test were they go thru his leg vein all the way up to his heart and check things out and it showed up ok-this was about a year dont know whats going on there...he has to have a test to check his colon and more blood work and he goes back in 3 weeks...

So he is waiting for his boss to show up to bitch him out about what happend Saturday night and he never showed up-the whole staff loves it when he does that :) we'll then comes Tuesday-the day from hell-the fucker came in full battle mode-he wanted this guy fired-which he did get fired yesterday-he was yelling at my husband like a kid calling him stupid etc...not the first time...then they finally went over the budget that they have been suppose to do for months now and bitched about that and went against everything he told my husband to do saying he never said that-which he does all the time-he went and got a breath mint for my husband cause he said his breath was bad-he is just a mean fucker-he told my husband that he is on call now 24/7 365 days a year and will answer his calls even if he is at a family fuction and even if he is taking a shit!! Is that not evil or what?! He has to deal with this everyday just because he has to wait until he finds another job-if he can wait that long-we just dont want to be without insurance and of coarse a paycheck but the paycheck aint worth the shit he goes thru...I ws on the phone with my mom and he called Wes's cell phone to vent about what just happened and Wes thought he did put in his 2 weeks notice-hubby just said that he was about to in a figure of speech-so here we are thinking we have no income coming in now-but he didnt but its just a matter of time and it might not even be that cause if he does put in one he might fire him right on the spot-thats how a rich fucker can be and operate...this is what he did a couple of months ago-2 guys that have been there for years and hubby said they were great guys and did great work etc...they red the sunday paper and their jobs are listed and asshole thought he was being nice to them by giving them 3 months pay until they could find another job-my husband saw one guy a few weeks ago and said he's not making the money he was but every bit of the stress is gone...

The dude is just insane and he gets away with it cause he runs million dollar companys...oh everyday pretty much he threatens my husband by saying if you dont do this your not going to get a bonus-well on tuesday he said im not giving you a bonus until next year-he's like a kid playing mind games-i swear i dont know how my husband doesnt say fuck you and just walk out-i give him a lot of credit of self control-he use to not be that way...

we both have been going to bed around 8pm and just lay there in silence thinking until we drift off-too much thoughts of what ifs going thru our minds-once again...does it ever end...once again i feel the gypsy lifestyle calling our name!!! always something....whatevaaaaa p.s. or that should be P.M.S big time-im attempting to be lil miss suzy homemaker tonight-im making chick n dumplins!! Im sure the boys will turn their picky noses up in the air-they got a BK,Wendys,McDonalds on each corner that their welcome to go to!! ;)

back forth


