thanks to everyone!!!
At 2008-02-04 on 4:18 p.m.

thanks for all the positive thoughts about my aunt and thanks for all the positve thoughts in advice for my big feet ;) chaos i do have crocs and love them-they are the best but i need more support most of the time with my tennis shoes-mzbee everything you said makes sense about the arches etc...h20 i like skeechers? but they seem to be too heavy for my feet-my feet are weird-must be a part of the fibromyalgia that hurts them.. have i told my DL buddies that ya'll are the bestest lastely?!

We had a laid back weekend-they guys worked on the boat all weekend-changed the tires cleaned it up changed the batteries so that took up all day saturday-sad story-our dog was laying in the grass watching them work on the boat which he HATES-i SWEAR to you he remembers the boat accident my husband had a few years ago at the house when it feel on him and almost killed him and almost cut his fingers off and all of the firetrucks and police cars here-well when he was laying outside the other night when they were still working on it a firetruck could be heard down the street and he started wailing like he has never done before and they guys were laughing at him and i yelled at them and told them it was because of the boat and the sirens it brought back bad memorys about his daddys accident-it was sooooo sad...I still have nightmares about that day which the anniv. is coming up next month March 15th...

Wes had a friend in town that night so he went to a movie and me and the hub and doug and his girlfriend went out to a nice dinner-my husband tried to get me drunk-they have a drink thats called "crash and burn" it cost $15 and is suppose to be for 2 people and he ordered it for me and after the waiter left i said i dont want that cause he doenst drink and drive unless we're right up the street but even then he hardly does-we have to switch off who gets a drink-he's really big on they canceled that order just in time swoosh or i would have cashed and burn inside my body....i did order a godiva white chocolate martini and it was really good-and then we had banana fosters for dessert and it was amazing-we all were so full that if felt like we had food right up to our throats and every bump we hit on the way home was like im going to pukeeee-it was we drove around to let our food settle...

sunday was sleep in day and then superbowl day-yeaaaa giants-what a great came and we're so proud of coach coughlin-he use to be our coach for the jags and still lives here in town...i was happy for eli too-those mannings are great and their commercials are fuuny as heck-just like brothers really are!!

well i gotta run to the library to drop things off...later

back forth


