this healing stuff stinks
At 2008-06-19 on 5:12 a.m.

Im having a much harder time healing from this surgery then I thought I would. I have been in so much pain and totally drained. I went for my 2 week post op today and everything that was done needed to be done for sure and no signs of cancer was found so thats great. Today was the first day i did my hair-i still dont feel like putting on make up,Monday Wes drove me to the grocery store and I bought much needed food but didnt lift a thing i was a ood girl but goodness by the time we got home i was worn out and in pain. All my men have been very helpful with Wes helping the most-everytime I ask him to do something he says "yessa master" so I call him Toby from Roots now lol..

Wes is moving back home-tally didnt work out-he couldnt find a job and he needs a job to live out there to pay for his rent and school.He is ok with it but he's really been a big help to me too...Doug is still working and he started back to college-just 2 classes for the summer..

Hubby got bit by a spider last week and hasnt been able to move his shoulder all week so he finally went to the dr. today and they gave him meds which he says he isnt going to get filled-men can be so dumb at times-it almost looks like a snake bite with the 2 holes in his arm. The doc didnt give him a antibotic just a steroid creme-seems kind of weird to me.

Im starting to go stir crazy-im use to always getting up and going and that isnt happening now-i've got to listen to my body and not push myself-i couldnt even if i wanted to its that bad...I told my dr. yesterday that it fealt like i have 3 10 lb babies vaginal and 3 10 lb babies by c-section at the same time and i didnt even have my stomach cut open. I think all the other work i had done on my bladder and rectum has hurt me more then the hysterectomy. On a good note my blood pressure is back to normal but im having issues pooping and when i do it kills me so bad and im taking stool softners and drinking juice etc. the dr. told me today to try milk of magnisum so i need to get some of that nasty stuff...

well i cant sit long-thats another thing-i have 2 big scabs on each cheek of my booty where they pulled the mesh slings thru-i wasnt epecting that either-im all screwed up lol...
this 2 shall pass and i pray that it was worth it!

back forth


