cha cha changessss....
At 2008-11-20 on 2:39 a.m.

well lets see-i had a b/day last saturday turned 44 my niece turned 14 the day after my brother is turning 40 on the 28th so on Thanksgiving we'll also be celebrating b/days-not just turkey day :)

My cousin and her family are coming up for thanksgiving-I havent seen them in about a year-since her moms murder trial so im looking forward to seeing them...

everybody has been really busy around here with work and school and me doing my things...

Im getting braces at the ripe old age of 44-I go Monday and get my impressions made and xrays etc...

Everybody is trying to catch a cold-wes has it pretty good right now and everyone else feels it coming on...

I found my dream home-well pretty darn close to it-its on over a acre of land-yeaaa-the house is only 2 years old-its close to where we live now-like 5 mintues away if that...I WANT IT SOOOOO can have horses and animals etc...I went and looked at it yesterday and im taking the hubby to look at it Saturday...He loves it too but we really arent optimistic of getting it-first off the housing and lending market,second he has only been on his new job for 3 months now but its in the same field as he always has been in so that might help and then we have our home-we cant carry 2 mortgages and wont do that to ourselves or the economy-BUTTTTTTTTT-here is something thats on our side-its a older couple that lives there and small world-they use to live a few houses down from us-well last year he was almost killed in a car wreck then 3 weeks ago he had a mild stroke so they are wanting to get out of it so he doesnt have to worry about upkeep plus if something happens to him he wants his wife to be in a smaller place-thats were our house comes into play-they know our neiborhood and still have friends here,their daughter lives near by so hopefully we can work out some kind of trade but i dont know how that will work and all since their home is worth more then ours and etc...
so we shall see what happens but not getting my hopes up.....

One of my dearest friends isnt doing well at all and tey are giving her 6 to 10 weeks to live-she called me the other night to "tell me goodbye" it was awful and full of tears I told her I dont believe in goodbyes its always "see ya later" to me and thats how we ended our conversation...she has cancer and her body has been thru hell and back-they did surgery on her tuesday morning and she coded but they got her back and now she is in very critcal condition and they still have her asleep...the day she coded i recieved my 3rd b/day card in the mail from her :*)*****

Her stepmom had a good talk with me today even though we live in different states and it was just what i needed to hear to be able to except what is happening and then I went to the orthodontist and what song is playing-the one that she got me on my b/day card "Live like you were dying" by Tim McGraw and then Garth Brooks song "The Dance" came on and I didnt cry-i felt peace...

life doesnt suck but death does to me!!!

back forth


