At 2005-05-06 on 1:51 p.m.

Im sure everybody can in the US of A...
My oldest child went fishing on Monday and left all his wet fishy clothes in his duffle bag in his bedroom until I found out where the stinch was coming from yesterday and moved it out to the garage and the smell still is sipping in-i just put them in the washing machine with a ton of detergent and hot water-boys are soooo gross!!!!

Now my other son is going to the prom tomorrow night and he was just going to go with friends-rightttt-until last night he told me he was going to go with a girl whose date stood her up to go to a baseball game instead(nice huh?) so my son stepped in to the rescue...He tells me that she is just going with his group of friends that its not a date-that they are just going to get their pictures taken together--so i ask him do we need to go get her a flower/what color is her dress/is she going to eat with ya'll???? his answer-"I DONT KNOWWWWW"...UMMMM HELLO I NEED TO KNOW!! With it being Mothers Day weekend also,im sure the flower shops are going to be busy,well this afternoon he tells me we might need to get her a flower and then he takes off to go to the gym to work out-which another thing he should be at school but its senior skip day!!! lol soooo like always im the last to know everything in this childs life and end up running around town in circles-yes i still baby my boys-shame on me-im kind of a control freak when it comes to them doing things right!!! Im not as bad as I use to be though-time for them to grow up a lil-i mean thier only 18 and almost 20 now!!! :) Im not as bad as my mom is with my 36 year old brother-she still baby's his ass!!
speaking of my baby boys i've added a few other pictures of them at my other diarypage: http://myspace.com/pals4ever
i think thats it-i hardly ever go there...

Well I just got a call from the hospital to pre-register me for my boobie biopsy on Monday morning-that scared me a lil,reality sunk in that i might have cancer-i'll just be glad when its over with and i hope they dont have to do edward scissorhands on me to get to it!!!

My hubby is going to be leaving right after I have my biopsy done to go to Vermont for business-i wanna gooooo,My couisn Crystal and her husband Tom left today to go to Jamicia-bitchhhhh-yesterday was her b/day I cant believe my lil Crystal is 27 now...
well i need to go-its after 2pm and i havent done a thing to this house all day and i've got to get rid of this smelllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!

back forth


