At 2005-07-03 on 10:57 p.m.

this weekend has been really fun so far~yesterday afternoon we went to dougs bestfriend Andrews graduation party and it was a blast-Deb and Karl(andrews parents) always do such a good job throwing partys and the FOOOOOOD~omg~it is always so good and tons of it!! I meet a lot of debs family and they were all very nice...all the guys were doing karooke and it was funny-and after awhile-it wasnt-lol-we got home around 11pm and watched the pepsi 400 and it was a good race and i didnt get to bed until 5am and got up at 9:30am to get ready to spend the day with my cousin and her family who came up for the week!!!

today we went and got lunch and saw some of the famous bicycle trick dudes or whatever their called-you know-all of tony hawks friends-lol-they are going to be here on thursday with their tour,then while we were eating we got a major rain shower so we took our time to eat then went to the aligator farm and the boys had a good time and it was so humid and then we walked around the shops of st.augustine and we saw deb and karl and thier family there-lol-we finally got home around 7pm and i saw one of those big ass brown spiders in the garage and then of coarse once we got the spray we couldnt find it and now i feel like its crawling on me-a friend of ours got bit on his forehead when he was sleeping and has had to have several surgeries-those things are deadly or very dangerous!!! grrrrrrrrross!!!! it stressed me out so bad i had to go sit outside in my chair and relax with a corona!!! lol

tomorrow-july 4th is going to be busy too-my moms side of the family is having their reunion and we all are going to that and it should be fun ;)
and they are having a free concert down by the river with trick pony,terri clark,buddy jewel,mark chestnut and of coarse fireworks-we might try and go but it depends on the weather and i know its already soooooo muddy out there-they have the pirate ship there from the new yet released pirates of the carribean movie and its a free tour and crystals boys want to do that-it also depends on what time we get done at the reunion and i know my husband is dreading it cause he has to get up early on tuesday to go to work so he's not going to want to stay out too late!!! his weeks have been very draining with all the changes going on-poor guy!!!

they just had on our news that a 13 year old is in critical condition after being hit in the stomach with a bottle rocket-i hate those things!!!

well i need to get to bed-ive got a busy week ahead and i need some major sleep!!! HAPPPPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!

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