At 2006-01-25 on 11:22 p.m.

I've never been a coffee drinker and lately i've been drinking it and trying new flavors etc...I have no idea where this all started,my husband brought a coffee maker home from work that is a 4 cup maker which is perfect for my lil cravings-I have a big coffe maker that I use to brew our tea in to make our Sweet Tea with~everytime my mom has come over to stay she has had to bring her own coffee,im sure she will be glad to know that I have a lil coffee maker now!! :)

My other craving is Chicken N Dumplins~I am going to attempt to make them tomorrow night-I dont think I have ever tried to make them-it just seems like a hard thing to turn out like mom use to make but im going to try!!! :)~

Our house is stinky right now cause I baked salmon and flounder tonight-luckly its trash day tomorrow so it can all be thrown away tonight!!!

We had a horriable bus accident in our area today-7 children died in a van that was struck by a semi that crashed the van into the school bus-all the kids died in the van-they ranged in ages of 15 and under so that means the 15 year old was driving illegal but they think it was the driver in the semis fault.......

Doug has an appt. on Tuesday for his leg and hubby is yelling at him to not continue playing ball if it hurts that bad-and that I better check to make sure he is still on our insurance-I havent heard other wise so im guessing he still is and we've been paying for him..................................

I've come to realize that whatever happens to Austin is up to God-I know that he has plans for all of us way before any of us were ever born!!

Doug just got home and asked "what is up with you and your coffee now"??!! lol good question son!! ;)
peace out

back forth


