At 2006-01-24 on 11:52 p.m.

What a bad/sad day its been~
I found out late last night that my sons friend Austin received horriable news about his tumor-in his latest mri it showed that his chemo hasnt shrunk it and that it's no longer just in the back of his brain but also in the front and his dr. is seeking out other drs. opinions around the US to see if anything else can be done-it sounds pretty grim to me and it just breaks my heart to see anyone go through something like that-that could be anyone of us or our loved ones and Austin has not complained any-such a trooper~GOD BLESS HIM AND HIS FAMILY!!!!............................

I found out this morning that my friend has polyps on her throat and they are being removed tomorrow-she wasnt expecting that news..............

My mom had a bunch of blood work done last week and she gets the call to come in right away to her dr. today and they said her bad cholesterial(sp?) is in heartattack range..........

I guy who works with my husband lil girl had an insulin pump put in her and it feel out and she got sick-they just put it in her and she is only 4 so now the parents are scared to death that its going to fall out again......

Youngest son Doug says I need to take him back to his leg surgeon who removed his tumor last year cause his leg is really killing him again-i hope they will see him cause we still owe tons from his surgery this past June...

My cousin Crystal called today all upset-her body is so weak from being off her Thyroid meds for almost 3 months now-she has her second round of high radiation on Feb.3rd and then when she gets the results back hopefully she can start back on her meds and she will be cancer free forever...............................

My head is killing me and my body aches but my heart aches more for Austin and his family but i know god has a plan for all us!!!!

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