At 2006-06-27 on 2:04 p.m.

Are we really that old now that nobody likes to go off with us?! lol Saturday husband wanted all of us to go to Disney and we couldnt pay anybody to go with us-"we already have plans"-even my 11 year old niece-her excuse-i've had a busy week at swim camp and i dont want to get up early on Saturday!! lmao sooooo change of plans-we went to Silver Springs(we havent been there since the boys were lil)and we had a great time-just the 2 of us-i kind of liked it that way ;) they had some amazingly beautiful Kodiak bears-i could of stayed there all day looking at them but it started to pour and they took cover-wusses-they had this one black bear that looked liked it had rabies or something-i took a lot of pics. and will have to load them up and share whenever i get around to it...They filmed a lot of tv shows and movies at silver springs like Tarzan(can you believe that cheeta the monkey is still alive),Sea Hunt with Llyod bridges,Creature of the black lagoon,a burt reynolds movie,a tom cruise movie,a james bond movie etc...Me and hubby had a great time-it was rainy and humid as hell but thats Florida for ya!!

Friday night we went out to dinner with the boys(yes they went)with Andrew(dougs b/f)and his family minus his parents-his mom Deb was coming then Karl called and said ummmm isnt anybody picking me up at the airport-oppps forgot about poor Karl lol-so it was just our klan and Andrew and his brother and sister and bro-in-law and we went to cheesecake factory and had a great time and waitress-next to cheese cake factory is P K Chang(i think thats its name) and they have those huge horse statues outside and of coarse all it ook was somebody to dare some one to try and climb it and Dusty tried-it was hiliarus-they got pics. and he got a crowd-me and keri just knew he was going to get arrested and he is in the millitary...im sure they will be posted on myspace one day-my other blog spot www.myspace.com/pals4ever i gotta keep an eye on all the perv people on there lol plus i like all the cool things you can add to your pages!! :)

I had my boobies flatten like a pancake on Friday and it wasnt that bad this time-just glads thats over with for the year-i hope!!
The big day is Thursday for my hubbys heart surgery(please send some good vibes for him that day)waiting and wondering is the hardest part-when he is nervous thats when im nervous-then on Monday is my brothers big back surgery(his 3rd) so it looks like our 4th of july is going to be a blast-NOTTTTTT-me and hubby lay in bed at night saying things that need to be said just in case something should happen and he has his living will filled out-the hospital had him do it!!

Im in Tennis mode-I love Wimbeldon-especially womens tennis and i've been into the soccor world cup...We've been getting much needed rain and i love it when its cloudy and rainy every once in awhile-i get things done around the house that have been neglected...speaking off i need to get off of here and call the car dealership-i havent recieved my new tag yet and the temp. one exspires this thur. and im going to be at the hospital all day....
later kids ;)

back forth


