3 day weekend
At 2007-03-11 on 12:30 a.m.

hubby has a 3 day weekend from all the overtime he's put in this week and doesnt get paid for it so his boss ave him Friday off-we would rather get paid but thats the sucky part of being in management...Yesterday we really didnt do much-went to target to get Wes some meds-he has a really bad cold/flu and his throat is pretty much closed up and i havent been much fun to be around with all the pain im in with my leg and back...
Today hubby and I drove down south for no reason then other to get out of the house and it was a mistake-i was miserable the whole trip and had to end up laying down in the back seat most of the way so hubby was lonely and pissy-constant pain will turn you into a bitchy drab to be around-cant help it....my mom hurt her back yesterday so she is in major pain too-i think her and my dad are driving south tomorrow to go see the Phillies play some baseball games-my dad/brothers all time favorite team...my mom said she is probably going to be laying in the back seat too-see where I get it from ;)
MY lil 12 year old neice might have a boyfriend-she was caught walking home from school with a boy her age named Jim holding hands-dont know if its the cutest thing or if I want to ring his neck :)
well I need to go change the clocks before I forget-means spring/summer is on the way :) yeahhhh
I do LOVE LA.....

You Belong in Los Angeles

Whether you'll admit it or not, a huge part of you likes being in the spotlight.

And you may just have enough star quality to make it big in LA!

Even if you don't become famous, you still belong in a place where you can get a year round tan.

Where Does Your Inner Californian Belong?

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