IM ALIVE!!!!! :)
At 2007-04-16 on 10:52 p.m.

I had my surgery on Wednesday and it went well-as far as I know-thats what the dr. told my hubby...Surgery sucks even though I did better then what I thought I would...Of coarse they couldnt find blood in my veins at first and had to call in several nurses so my hands are pretty ugly right about now-i had a nice room right on the water with dolphins swimming outside my window so that helped make me not cry-getting IV's are a bitch for me-they always have a problem...I didnt even puke or passout which was my biggest fear-I dont even remember being put under-just waking up and trying to talk and nothing coming out...Hubby was scared cause during my surgery they had 3 code blues with people running around and when they brought me back to my room my husband and brother were worried about me cause my lips were completely blue/purple and they stayed that way for awhile so they kept checking my blood pressure-they kept saying I looked like the pictures of Anna Nicole Smith if you ever saw pics of her that leaked on the net...while i was under the influence I told them to shut the f up... :) and I told my hubby that he looked like the medical eximainer who did anna nicole-the one with the cone head-i hurt his feelings ;)
the pain after my surgery comes and goes-the day after was horriable,sunday was really bad and today i tried to go to the library-wes drove-and i cooked a quick dinner and it flat wore me out...I just woke up...I want my strength back now but i've got to remember it hasnt even been a week twisting turning kneeling etc... for me for awhile and its hard...hubby did his first load of laundry yesterday and it was funny as heck and then he went to the grocery store and he came home and said "all i know missy is you better be cured this week-this sucks" lmao I told him i cant do anything for atleast 6 months ;) and he said yeaaaaa rightttt!! but he has helped a ton...and the boys have scar isnt that big but trust me it doesnt have to be to cause this much weakness and pain...i still dont have my voice back all the way-its really weak and my throat was scratched and sore from the tubes...BUTTTTTTTT its over with and it doesnt really hurt to walk at all but my legs are weak and my body....
THANK SO MUCH FOR EVERYBODYS LOVE AND CONCERN-Im glad my friend Sandyz-fightn4life is on the mend too-she had back surgery the day before me!! cant sit long so gotta go....
And damn this assholes who keep destorying our families lives with these school shootings and killings-this is horriable!! My boys have friends who go to VT...bless them all!!

back forth


