thru all the chaos
At 2007-06-13 on 2:49 p.m.

thru all the chaos last week and tears there was a ton of laughter too-when you put together several generation of southern women and we stay up late gossiping-theres going to be a few of us laughing so hard we about pee in our pants(guilty)my aunt jean always said i needed to go see a dr. cause when i laugh hard i've always wet myself-even when i was cousin terri was a lifesaver-she is too damn funny...the hardest day for all of us-the day of the family fights and funural home crap and giving testimonys all day etc...and not eating anything all day-finally around 8pm me and crystal,my mom,terri and my aunt linda(terris mom) went to UNO'S to eat in honor of Jean and we had a great time-too great for me-I had 2 Long Island Ice Teas and I was lit up like a Christmas tree-I was told that I held up my "empty" glass and made a toast to Jean-my toast was "in honor of Jean im official fucked up" and they all were rolling on the not a drinker and on a empty stomach it didnt mix well but it was soooo much fun and just what we needed....the whole time we were there Crystal said she just needed a sign from her mom-well when our food came Terri ordered fajitas and she has NEVER EVER had them and that is what my Jean ALWAYS ordered and my Aunt Linda sent her first drink back because it wasnt any good and my Aunt Jean was the queen bitch at sending stuff back at restuarants-she was badddddddd-and everybody hated going out to eat with her cause she always caused a scene-so that was another sign but my Aunt Linda wasnt mean....

We then went to Wal-Mart late at night and had a blast there and we all bought the maybelline mascara that is in the pink bottle with the green lid-Jean has worn that all her life-she wore the hell out of it-so now we all have some...When we were at the viewing we told the guy the day before that she wore a lot of mascara so put some on her-so when Terri went up there to see Jean she didnt have any on so Terri opens her maybelline and puts it on Jean in the casket so our lady had on her beloved mascara :)

I forgot to mention-david has a mole and his name is Peter-that dude was trying to get info from all of us left and right and my mom was mean to him-me,crystal and my mom was at jean and davids house trying to find something for Jean to wear and this guy shows up and wants to come in-im like hell noooo-this dude could try and kill us and about that time the 2 dectictives walk up to the house and Peter the mole leaves but he showed up to everything else-he gave my mom a Jewish burial book for us to read-everytime his named was mentioned everyone would say "who the hell is Peter"?! which turned into a joke and so now we're all getting t-shirts made that says "Whose Peter?" lol and he wasnt that old but he walked with a cane and everytime he walked by we said who wants to play "kick the cane"!! i now we're evil but what the hell you do what you have to do to get thru the moment and we know our Jean was laughing with us :)

Let me clear something up or make a statement about David-we pray that he didnt do this to Jean-we pray that it was a accident-we would hate to think that she died at the hands of her husband,we dont wont to sit thru a trial and hear and see all the horriable abuse pictures and storys,we're keeping an open mind but damn it all the signs point to him-all the info we are getting just dont add up and he is in jail now for having contact with her because he wasnt suppose to...we dont wont their son saul to grow up without 2 parents but we're not giving up on finding out the truth. there is a song by tim mcgraw called "between the river and me" its about him drowning his abusive stepfather and nobody knows the truth but him and the river that he did it-well thats how i feel-nobody knows what really happened but david and the pool-heres another sign I was playing it for my mom on the way home and she wa like omg and then I SWEAR TO GOD(and i dont like saying that) as soon as that song quit playing it wouldnt go to the next song and i barely got the cd to eject-theres my sign i needed!!
hugs Patti

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