At 2007-09-22 on 6:09 p.m.

Yesterday i had my final exam with the "spin doctor" aka the balance and hearing center and I must say I wasnt in the mood for that testing that day-i was feeling horriable and about turned around a zillion times to come home but i cowgirled up and went and did it and about passed out a few times-turns out the PA that I see said 9 out of her 10 patients that day was having the same problem-the barometric pressure was really screwing up all her peeps like me-all this rain and weather changes and allergies really screw us up...Well after the testing the PA came in-I really like her and she said what ive been waiting to hear for 10 years-IM NOT CRAZY-IM NOT MAKING UP MY SYMPTOMS-I REALLY HAVE A HEALTH ISSUE THAT HAS GONE UNDETECTED FOR 10 YEARS-YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I about cried like a baby....
the weird thing is its in my left ear wen its my right ear that kills me and gives me all my problems-thats because my right ear is thrown off by what my left ear is doing and is causing all my dizzyness,eletric shock,passing out,rapid eye movement,seizure like symptoms etc...and of coarse it as a long ass name and I made her write it down for me that the name so I can prove to all the doubters that im sick-you cant even believe all the drs. have I have been to in the past 10 years all the meds that i have been put on-im really happy to have found the right dr. after so long!!!
My diagnosis is~UNILATERAL LEFT VESTIBULAR HYPOFUNCTION(WEAK INNER EAR) WITH RESULTING ABNORMAL VESTIBULO-OCULAR REFLEX(DISTORTION IN THE BALANCE SYSTEM)!!!! told you it was long-my left ear is 51% off balance....It can be the simple things that really screw me up-like being stopped at a red light-cars moving around me makes me feel like im still moving,things moving fast by me even on tv,looking up or turning my head sharply,using elevators etc....and I learned that my trip to vegas last year was really bad on me which can happen too even thought planes have cabin pressure in now im really scared to fly again cause it was badddddd...

Treatment~one of the meds im on is suppose to be good for this but i was on such a low dose they upped it to see if that helps-its for seizures and aniexty-i go back in 6 weeks to see if it helped-if not-they still can up the meds or add new meds with what im on and if that doesnt help they have a special PT program but i've never had luck with PT i just hope i find something tha helps but knowing what is causing it helps a lot-IM NOT CRAZYY! :)

Now I hope I have good luck with my drs. appt. on Tuesday-let me tell ya-yesterday my female organs felt like they were going to blow up inside of me-I havent let it bother me until the other night my YS asked me when I was going to find out what is wrong with me-that hit me hard but i didnt cry-im being positive and what happens happens but i do worry about my boys even though they are pretty much grown-they ar still my babys and always will be-mama boys!! ;)

Hubby~okkkkkk~dont know where i left off with his job issues-well he took the higher paying job then decided to stay where he is at cause of my health issues-didnt want to mess with insurance issues-so he told the new place what was going on with me and said he couldnt take it-which I told him to be honest with them-tell them the real reason that it wa because we didnt know what I might be facing-they called him back wanting even more an will pay him thousands more a year plus pay for our cobra insurance so there isnt a issue with me being taken care of if there is something wrong plus paying for my husbands insurance starting the first day so he really couldnt turn it down so off to a new career starting next week-please let it be right for him!!!! This isnt just me being a proud wife but this man knows his shit and whomever he works for he gives it his all and then some and has saved major companys millions and millions of $-he is my hero and one of the hardest workers EVVVVVVVVA!!

Gotta run going to the mall-they just got home from taking their new baby out-th boat and they loved it but of coarse they issues with it at first-always something with this clan!!!
happy weekend patti

back forth


