clutzy girl
At 2007-09-24 on 1:05 p.m.

I keep hurting myself and just have to laugh about it after the pain goes away...the other day i was doing laundry and went to take some towels to put away and i caught my 2 lil toes on my left foot on the side of the love seat which hurt like heck and i rolled on the ground like a screaming kid in the candy store and now they are bruised....

then i was unloading the dishwasher and was bending down and when i stood up i hit my head on the cabnit that was open above me right on the corner and right ontop of my head-i thought i was going to black out!!! but no blood so that was a good thing :)

then last night my big ass dog who has toenails like talons ran across my right foot and cut open my big toe and the one next to it underneath and now it hurts to walk on-that dog was hyper as hell all day and that was before my husband fed him a candy apple :)~***

Speaking of candy apples-its only like my favorite treat ever-besides cotton candy-we went shopping at the outlets mall yesterday-hubby had to buy some new clothes for his new job and they have a candy store there and i got us each a big ass candy apple and it was yummy worth ever calorie....

Yesterday was football day-our Jags beat the Broncos in Denver-goooo ussss! I really happy for that cutie Brett Favre for doing so well this year-go Green Bay!! I hope the Saints kick the Titans arse tonight-hate the Titans and their coach!!! thier our rival!!!

I havent gotten my ahir cut yet-i called the other day to set up an appt. and the girl that has cut my hair for years is no longer there-just my luck-and of coarse they wouldnt tell me where she went so now i have to look for someone I might not go short until i see if i like them or not and im still on the fence about the hair color I bought-everyone is telling me not to do it but when somebody tells me NOT to do something i wanna do it more-its just hairrrr and im just dumb enough to try it :)~

I go to the dr. tomorrow and hubby is going with me for the first time evaaa since he doesnt start his new job until Weds.-speaking of i didnt tell him what his horoscope said yesterday-it said something like the next 4 weeks will be rough at work with lots of running around...shhhhhh ;x

gotta go shopping again-hubby needs some new shoes and a poor doug doug is sicky with a bad cold-which im trying to get-i hate germs!!!
later ladys

oh i highly recommend my Favorite singer EVER Reba McEntires new duet cd-im in heaven!!

back forth


