I borrowed these from Y~survey time
At 2007-10-12 on 3:41 p.m.

Survey x Two

1. Spell your name as it sounds

2. Are you available?

3. What�s your favorite number?
anything with 5

4. Favorite color?

5. Least favorite color?
Light purple

6. When is the last time you cried?
Wednesday night watch HOUSE when the dog died

7. What should you be doing right now?
finishing my hair-make up


1. Can you blow a bubble?

2. Can you touch your toes?

3. Can you whistle?

4. Can you wiggle your ears?

5. Can you roll your tongue?

6. Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
yes i can-its easy :)~


1. Did you ever want to be a doctor?
yes or a nurse

2. Did you ever receive an engagement ring?
about 8 years into our marriage after complining about it enough

3. Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?
No-but i always loved visiting my Uncle Billy and his buds at the fire station until one day I walked into the room where some were sleeping in their undies-scared this lil girl with a laugh on my face


1. Do you believe in God?

2. Do you know how to swim?
like a fish

4. Do you own a bike?
yes-beach cruiser


1. Does your car get good gas mileage?
not bad for a mini van

2. Does your family have family picnics?
not really anymore

3. Does your home have a bookcase?
Yes in our bedroom


1. Have you ever been to Canada?

2. Have you ever gone fishing?
only like a million times

3. Have you ever seen a celebrity?
Yes actually many

4. Have you ever been on a motorcycle?
yes hubby use to have a couple years ago


1. How much money do you have on you right now?
zip-i spent my last 2 bucks at the dollar store yesterday-just change

2. How many cars have you owned?
gosh i dont even remember them all

3. How many jobs have you had?
atleast 10


1. Last person you hung out with?
my mom

2. Last thing you said out loud?
excuse my lango-MOTHER FUCKER and the first time in my life I wanted to hit a wall but I didnt...

3. Last time you ate at McDonald�s?
a couple of weeks ago after i had bloodwork

4. Last grade completed?
Some college

5. Last thing you bought?
halloween stuff and stuff to start making braclets at Micheals yesterday and then 2 things at the dollar store


1. What is the temperature outside?
not really sure but it feels good

2. What time did you wake up?
when hubby left to go to work around 7am then again around 9am

Number Two Survey:

1. What�s the last mistake you made?
forgetting to pay a bill yesterday

2. Is the sun shining?
Not really

3. Can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon?
Yes but i get dizzy

4. Do you like text messaging?
my phone isnt working right so no texting right now for me-i can recieve them though

5. What do you eat the most at your best friends house?
i dont have a bestfriends house that i eat at-they all live out of town

6. Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

7. Are you wearing any make-up right now?
not yet

8. What are your plans for later?
dinner for sure

9. What is your favorite DDG song?
Who? What?

10. Is there any drama within your life?
major-thats why I almost hit the wall today

11. What is a song they need to stop playing on the radio?
this 70's/80's plays way too much Elton John for me

12. Are you happy with life right now?

13. Does anyone like you?
I think so.

14. What is your current obsession?

15. Do you have a dog?
my best bud Bo

16. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?

17. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
I do all the time.

18. Ever pulled your pants down in the street?
Does this include mooning people while riding in cars?

19. Do your toenails have nail polish on them?
Not right now - i just took it off 2 nights ago

20. When�s the last time you wore eyeliner?
probably last week-i havent worn make-up all week

21. Last curse word you said was?

22. Are your lips chapped?
not chapped but cracked

23. Are you currently jealous?

24. Do you own an ipod?
i dont but the boys do

25. Did you have a dream last night?
Yes and luckly it wasnt a bad one like the night before

26. Are you mad at anyone?

27. Who is the loudest person you know?
OS Wes and Crystal

28. What�s going on this weekend?
Dinners,boating,home nfl game go jags

29. Done any spring cleaning lately?
its not spring ;)

30. Anything bothering you?
only a few things-the death of my aunt,the constant rumors of her husband getting out,my health issues,and the fact that I started my period a week early and im dying today from it....thats just to name a few

31. Do you do cheerleading?
no but i like watching them-not that way freaks

32. Did you wish for anything last night on 11:11?
I was asleep

33. Do you drink coffee on a regular basis?
Nope hardly ever

34. Do you wish you were someone else?
of coarse sometimes

35. What jewelry are you wearing?
just my watch right now

36. Funniest thing that happened last night?
nothing really last night-watching Wes put the Micheal Myers mask on Bo was pretty funny-now the night before was funny as hell :x

38. Are you easily amused?
yes im a major tard

39. Can you lick your elbow?
No, and I did try.me too

40. Do you know this song, �we stay fly no lie you know this�?
Don�t think so.

41. What piercings do you have?

42. Do you have a crush right now?
many and i always say "i would do him" just to watch my husband shake his head and laugh

43. What are your plans over the summer?
summer is done-bring on fall

44. How�s life going for you?
like shit but someone else has it a lot worse then me so I really dont complain to much-just on here!!

45. What is on your mind just this second?
all the lil frogs we have blooming in our yard from the flood last week-their hopping all over my back porch and yard

46. Favorite vacation spot?

47. Do you have on chap stick?
No but my lips hurt real bad!!!

48. What hurts right now?
My joints,my cramps,my back

49. Do you like school?
hated it

50. Is this survey good?

51. Sneak out lately?
No need to sneak!

52. Last thing you had to drink?

53. Do you want a tattoo?
yes but i can never decide what i want

54. Want any more piercings?

55. Single or taken?

56. How long have you been single/taken?
27 years! since i was 15-WITH THE SAME MAN!!!! they said it wouldnt last-either im really lucky or really dumb-i feel lucky most the time ;)

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