yesterday~all my troubles seemed so far away!
At 2007-12-11 on 12:22 a.m.

OMG we had such a great day yesterday-much needed!! We tailgated before the game with a bunch of friends most of them the boys friends and when your around the "younger group" things can get wild and they did but it was fun as heck and most got loaded so that makes it even funnier but nobody got out of hand which can ruin it for everyone...Me and the husband havent laughed that hard in a long time-pictures will be posted on myspace :)~

Wes bought 2 tickets for his friends as a Christmas present to the game so I told him to give them to me and the hub and we would sit in them so all his friends could sit together-they were great seats 2 rows from the field but the people around us were dull-we like "our" people better in our seats..And it was hot as heck for Dec. in the 80's and the sun was right on us the whole game so i got a lil red face-not lil-i got a big ass head/face like Peg Bundy :( no laughing allowed!!

We finally saw my brother at a game-he snuck up on doug and grabbed him around the back of the neck and licked his ear-and at first when Doug turned around he didnt know who it was-he wasnt expecting his Uncle-he was wiping off his ear...It was funny watching Dougs face and Erin was with him who has never met my brother-I think they both thought Doug was geting mugged!!

At the game-YES WE KICKED ARSE-you can have your own jerseys made with your name or whatever you want on it and my brother bought him and his son one with their last name/mine too(maiden) on it and my crazy ass brother put #69 on his...

After the game we stayed and watched the players leave-Doug took a lot of pics. and all I can say is where in the hell do these athletes buy thier clothes-either they are all pimped out in bright colors suits with matching hats or they are in baggy jeans with logos all over them with matching shirts and shoes and I can guarantee you they arent cheap as arent their cars/trucks and jewelry!!

Saturday we were suppose to go Christmas shopping but when we drove over the bridge and got some lunch and drove of another bridge the hubby said "lets not go shopping and take the boat out" and I said "nooooooooo" but it was pretty oustide so I let the dude get his way and we drove it all the way downtown and I even drove the boat for the first time :) and about crashed and burned once :( we saw that parking garage that collapsed and they did find that poor guys body early Saturday morning...

I cant get my ever ending laundry pile done...grrrrr... so im off
I hope the 2 I know who had surgery today that everything went well and im praying for you and the same for the others who are under the weather-get well soon wishes!!

back forth


