At 2007-12-28 on 1:39 a.m.

Well today started out well but then went downhill slowly and ended in a bang-not a good bang..

Me and doug(YS) cleaned out our closets and gather stuff to donate to Goodwill-gotta get those end of the year tax write offs and get rid of stuff...I took a load to goodwill and was going to pick up dinner on the way home even though it was only around 2pm-I get to the store to buy the food and I forgot my purse at home-i felt naked then-no wallet-no money-no id-no cell phone etc...back it up a sec.-goodwill wouldnt take a mini fridge-they dont take appliances-so that sucked-and the thing is like brand new-so after i left the food place I decided to go to another thriftstore-they took the fridge-yea-tax write off there....then I go to the library to turn things in and pick movies up and then head home...

By now its almost 4 and im in dire need of a haircut so I call the girl who cuts my hair and I forgot she is in New Orleans(her hometown) getting married on New Years Eve-I asked if anybody else could cut it at short notice and they said if you can be here by 4:15-which I got there about 4:05 and the new girl cut my hair and so far I like it-I changed it up a lil...

then I went to buy grocerys-grrrrr...get home around 5:30 Wes reminds me we were suppose to go to our friends house for "native" night-they are alaskan-I had to decline-hubby was working late-i had to put up grocerys-cook-laundry etc...and honestly the food sounded like stuff i know i couldnt eat-like blubber and whale and some kind of oily dip made from the blubber oil or something etc....Im game for trying new stuff but I couldnt handle that tonight or maybe never...sorry if your alaskan-dont mean to hurt your feelings...

My mom calls and my dad and brother cant get off of work tomorrow(liars) to take her to have her knee surgery tomorrow-I dont mind taken her at all-in fact I rather be there but it would be easier for them to take her and I show up and stay with her and bring her home but no biggy there-its my mama!! So I have to make sure im up super early to fight the traffic to get her there in time-she has had a bad cough for a few days so im hoping they can do it....

A good friend of mine has been in surgery must of the day and their on westcoast time so im nervous about how long its taken but Ive been getting updates and she did need a pint of blood-I pray that everything is going ok....

OKKKK enter the blow up-me and doug have been butting heads all day-hubby got some days off next week- since he is a new employee he doesnt have vacation yet-but he has been working a lot so his boss gave him all of next week off-we've been trying to plan on getting away somewhere and everything we want to do is booked up cause of New Years and the Bowl games etc....well we found one place to go that wont cost us a thing for 2 days so we booked it-so Doug said him and his girlfriend want to go and we said sure-then starts all the how long are you going to be gone-when will we be back etc....why cant we go to TN...ummm cause your girlfriend has to be back by the first to go back out of town with her family on the second so we're not rushing our time to travel all the way to TN for a few days to rush basically we came to blows and said things to one another and now we're not talking-sorry i dont put up with 20 year old smart ass mouths-and he is a 20 year old that said mean things to me(he's usually nice)(but still can be a brat) ;)~ I'll leave it at that cause it could go on-and he pissed me off too with his yelling it scared my dog and made him shake-which then i did call for doug to come out of hiding to see what he did to Bo which he did feel bad and gave Bo snuggles-hubby just got home from work and had to be the middleman and of coarse the thing i said was worse in their eyes so im the bad person-whatever-there just words you say when your mad and he said words to me first!! lol sounds like kids huh?!

Then on Christmas Eve we had like 3 power blips that knocked out the tvs and internet which screwed up my security on my computer so hubby has been working all night on that to get it right and finally did and is just now getting to bed..poor guy..he needs a break...

plus im tired of my christmas decorations being up even though our tree smells better each day that goes bye...and they didnt pick up trash today like they were suppose to so we have a yard full of trash-the whole neighborhood does...i cant stand having a dirty house and i need to vacumme so bad and so much to do if we do go out of town....rush rush rush...with a lil stress thrown in...such is life...

I dont want my mama to have surgery :(
and dougs girlfriend needs to get back in town so he's not a brat anymore!!

back forth


