awake but tired...
At 2008-05-02 on 4:23 a.m.

I've been so fatigue lately and just want to sleep but cant and i've been very active lately too so you would think i would pass right out?!

Welppp-my oldest child is leaving the nest this Saturday-waaaaa-he is so crazy-he found this transformer robot mask that changes your voice when you talk in it(he found it when he was fishing lol)and the other day he had it on talking to me in his robot voice "mama you going to miss your boy?" "mama its time for you boy to fly the coop-while flapping his arms like a bird" and here i am trying to ask him serious ?'s like what all will he need for the townhome and he is talking to me in this robot voice-needless to say i was about to pee on myself and realized how much i am going to miss my oldest crazy child-he'll only be a couple of hours away but still this is probaly the end of having my kids at home for good-yea i know its normal and we all do it sooner or later in life but its always been the 4 of us-THE A~TEAM-but i know i'll be ok after a few weeks...Dougs already claiming Wes's room lol..

This past weekend was busy-we went to look at some property and actually put our name down on it and they have it listed as sold and i really want it-its 5 acreas and its about 1 1/2 away from where we live now and of coarse once we got all the paperwork to fill out for it hubby gets cold feet and changes his mind-he has yet to tell the people yet-no money has been exchanged or contracts signed but me and the boys really want it but it looks like a no go-hubby wants to find something closer to where we live now-which cost twice as much for less land...Shouldnt suprise me-he alwas backs out of everything at the last mintue-i think change scares him and the job market...We actually drove to Georgia first and looked at some property there but there was too many forced codes-we live that way now and wont do it again..its good and bad...

Then Saturday night we went to a b/day party at Aprils house and they had kegs and i didnt drink anything and hubby did which he never does like that so i was the driver for the night-we really had a good time until slut sonya starting flashing her boobs to everyone-she is so nasty-theres always that one person who has to ruin it for everyone or turn all the attention on themselves-she wasnt drinking either...

as soon as we got there Aprils dog jumped on my husband and bit the shit out of him-he really needed stitches but we went to walgreens and cleaned it out really good and put ever germ killer on it there is and its starting to really heal up and never got any red streaks in it so it showed no sign of infection-while we were at walgreens the dog tried to bite somebody else too so they locked it up-it has never done this before and they felt so bad-it has its shots so thats good-they think that since Ben has died no other man has been around the house and that might of scared him having all the men around-i was thinking it was me being on my period and it sensed it when i walked by and then hubby walked by and he got bit..ooppss if that was the case :X

I had a follow up appt. today with my balance dr. and it was a mess-there was another Patti with the same last name that checked in when i did and they got our charts mixed up-this happens a lot-i've gotten others meds at the pharmacy-my balance is still off the charts and and my inner eardrums arent matching up with my eye movemnt which makes everything feel like its moving or falling when im standing still they are trying therepy besides meds which should be fun-having my head shaken in different ways to try and make everythign balanced-i see alot of dizzy days ahead and major vertigo but its so great getting the right diagnoses after so long of feeling like your crazy...

I think Greys Anatmoy hasnt been all that great so far this year but i've liked Desperate Housewives so far. I still need to watch House MD from so far behind on my shows..

well im going to try and sleep-gotta run around some more tomorrow getting all of wes's stuff and picking up his new glasses and contacts etc...waaaaaa

back forth


