going to the big D.....
At 2008-09-27 on 1:40 a.m.

Im going with the husband to Dallas in a few weeks for his yearly workshop classes-we're doing a road trip instead of flying so we can do some sight seeing...I've been to Texas before but he hasnt-anybody got any good fun ideas for Dallas?

Then in Nov. we're going to Miss.for a concert and then he has another class in Houston that we should be going to-have to wait and see now if its still on since IKE hit that area.

I've been in my Fibromyalgia funk recently that hasnt been too bad all summer-I had a drs. appt. last week,had bloodwork done on Wed. and had my mammo done today then i have a dentist appt. on tuesday...

The past few days I have been such a cry baby and thats soooo not me-my dr. told me the other day if i still suffered from some pms like symptoms even though i had my hysterectomy and i said yes which i was suprised i would-guess i just dont have a period anymore but still have everything else...

We got a note about our yard last week-we had 30 days to replace some dead grass-i hate those fuckers-they have nothing better to do then drive around and look at your blades of grass...We live in a nice area(hate it though) but on Wed. night atleast 3 homes screened in porches where broken in to-not good..but we did replace our sod but the black thumb we have they better drive around soon before it dies again..

Hubby likes his new job a lot-THANK YOU GOD-FOR REAL!! Doug is taking 3 classes and working part time and Wes cant find a job for nothing,my MIL April cant find one either and she's real aggressive at looking...

On a great note my mom came home from rehab and is on the mend but its going to be awhile before she is healed from having her knee replaced..I hated the place she was at and the other night on the news a family is suing the place cause their father died there from poor care they said-i believe it!

thats it in a nutshell-boring i know but thats ok :)

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